Notas de parche formateadas

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This section contains all the patch notes for Sons of the Forest. They have been formatted so they can be copy and pasted into their relevant pages. This allows sections to be updated much easier without having to format each line. It also allows you find any changes to anything in the game using the find function on browser.

Template to use if none is provided:

==Update History==
{| class="wikitable"
! Version !! Changes

All Patch Notes:

# Changes
Patch 15 - Hotfix 2 Fixed Virginia not correctly targeting enemies
Patch 15 - Hotfix 2 Lowered volume of bird audio
Patch 15 - Hotfix 2 Fixed issue with lakes not always freezing on load in winter
Patch 15 - Hotfix 2 Fixed story pages listing incorrect number available
Patch 15 - Hotfix 1 Fixed log sled contents not activating in some cases in multiplayer games
Patch 15 - Hotfix 1 Fixed errors when holding decayed head in multiplayer
Patch 15 - Hotfix 1 Fixed resolution on wave splashes
Patch 15 Added new Kelvin abilities and animations for: maintain base, sharpen walls and repair structures
Patch 15 New female cannibal type ‘Elise’
Patch 15 Added free standing and wall weapon holders
Patch 15 Added firewood holder
Patch 15 Three new hanging gore types added to trees around world
Patch 15 More cannibal villages, bridges, paths and ponds added to world
Patch 15 More details/props and gore added to cannibal villages and more new points of interest added to map
Patch 15 Added new low lying fog effect
Patch 15 Added new decorative papers around camp sites and some new story pickup items
Patch 15 Renamed Color Grading setting to Style and added a new style ‘Found Footage’
Patch 15 Added FSR 2.0 and added an ultra performance setting for DLSS
Patch 15 New dead worker and tactical body poses added
Patch 15 Added new findable blueprint to world
Patch 15 New findable outfit added to world
Patch 15 Cannibals will now eat dead deer
Patch 15 Added more animal zones for increased coverage of the island
Patch 15 Torches, birdhouses, trophy heads and weapon holders can now be attached directly to trees
Patch 15 Set slope walk limit lower for the player on terrain so you can no longer walk directly up steep mountains
Patch 15 Gore clock now always places vertically
Patch 15 Increased distance of fog hemispheres so they don’t pop off
Patch 15 Improved look of cooking pot outro animation
Patch 15 Sped up connecting to multiplayer servers
Patch 15 Pause menu is now blocked while in dead camera mode
Patch 15 Improved wooden crate albedo value
Patch 15 Optimized reflection probes to lower memory use
Patch 15 Optimized dead tactical poser rigs in caves and world
Patch 15 Collision for cannibal camp fire optimized and improved
Patch 15 Rocks removed from cliff greebles
Patch 15 Some sections of beach layouts improved
Patch 15 Grass remover added to Dead Cultist prefabs
Patch 15 Added flapping cloth pickup to some grave crosses
Patch 15 Small pond LOD ranges improved
Patch 15 Ocean material and wave adjustments to reduce appearance of repeating patterns
Patch 15 Flapping cloth placement cleaned up in villages
Patch 15 Held spear no longer flips around onscreen when being unequipped
Patch 15 As optimization added actor pooling support for cannibal types
Patch 15 Bridge rope can now be placed by aiming at either side of beams
Patch 15 Bridge rope is now always on the side that was shown by the preview UI
Patch 15 Bridge rope second rope placement preview now shows more accurately where the rope will be
Patch 15 Second point of rope bridges can now be placed slightly further away to help with reaching high up structures
Patch 15 Enabled partial collapse for bridge floors
Patch 15 Enabled pickup spawn for destroyed bridge floor elements
Patch 15 Bridge floor planks will now place at the closest position possible to where player is aiming at
Patch 15 Dismantling bridge floor planks now removes the ones being looked at
Patch 15 Improved table placement logic
Patch 15 Improved lag spike duration when loading huge saves with lots of overlapping super structure grids
Patch 15 Improved placement calculations for spotlight and other furniture against logs pillar when aiming on its sides
Patch 15 Structure ghosts will now always start oriented to the player rather than being oriented to default world space axis
Patch 15 Player will now put away lighter to light flare
Patch 15 Added a frame delay check to playing audio on the layout group so that adding multiple items to a group can no longer spam audio events. (This speeds up items appearing in inventory)
Patch 15 Tabs will now stay open while the page flip happens so that the player does not have to pull them back out again for subsequent presses
Patch 15 Shock arrow particle effects are now parented to their target
Patch 15 Added custom stippling to stone spawns
Patch 15 Suppressed the players idle animation when the grab bag is open so that interacting with items on the gab is easier
Patch 15 Improved material and mesh instance cleanup logic
Patch 15 Billboard calculations optimized
Patch 15 Setup custom default settings when Steam Deck or Low end pc detected
Patch 15 Added pooling to some objects to improve performance and memory usage
Patch 15 Converted some Tactical bodies to posers to save memory
Patch 15 Improved tree feature activation logic to improve performance
Patch 15 Improved Beach Wave memory and performance
Patch 15 Set new reference size to match screen resolution when it changes
Patch 15 Optimized seasons manager to improve performance
Patch 15 Modified some pickups to use primitive colliders
Patch 15 World Locators data optimized to improve memory usage
Patch 15 Various texture memory optimizations
Patch 15 Added 1.5 second delay to player trigger to all traps after re-arm, except for spring traps
Patch 15 Tons more ammo added to end of hell cave to help prepare for end boss
Patch 15 Added a basic noodle soup recipe and added buffs to some recipes that were lackluster
Patch 15 Cave D added more set dressing to make path out clearer
Patch 15 Increased Kelvin energy recover while resting
Patch 15 Fixed some cannibal types (Frank, Henry, Igor) sometimes walking and attacking while missing a limb
Patch 15 Fixed regular cannibal search parties sometimes going to where muddies saw the player
Patch 15 Fixed dead body ragdolls having collision still on dismembered parts
Patch 15 Fixed heavy cannibal popping back to standing when shot in head with an electrocute status projectile
Patch 15 Fixed some carried dead bodies not matching visually when picked up and improved stability of ragdolls when thrown by player
Patch 15 Fixed missing material on Virginia track outfit shoes
Patch 15 Fixed some duck behaviors not working properly
Patch 15 Skinned birds now won't spawn feathers when hit
Patch 15 Improved stability of female cannibal ragdoll and fixed sometimes being distorted
Patch 15 Fixed female cannibal attack 180 not playing
Patch 15 Fixes various cases of trees and bushes visibility popping in big saves
Patch 15 Fixed missing fonts in book and server browser for some languages
Patch 15 Translated arrow upgrade type in ammo cycle popup message
Patch 15 Renamed texture resolution to Ultra/High/Medium/Low
Patch 15 Fixed some issues with save games in multiplayer
Patch 15 Fixed wrong/stretched blood map on some dead workers
Patch 15 Fix for one sided tarp on stump
Patch 15 Missing collision added to some barrels
Patch 15 Collision added to wrecked boat asset
Patch 15 Fix for some rocks with exposed edges and open edges on cliffs
Patch 15 Fix for dark density volume in Ice Cave C
Patch 15 Fix for duplicated renderers on raft
Patch 15 Clearing stone pickups from points of interest
Patch 15 Propane burner set to prop layer to not fall through basic colliders
Patch 15 Fix for some broken weapon crates
Patch 15 Fixed a small pop during the player’s grab bag idle animation
Patch 15 Fixed Kelvin popping into a standing react if he was hit while sitting down
Patch 15 Fixed spotlight wire connector not allowing to start a wire on it
Patch 15 Fixed placing wire between spotlight and solar panel
Patch 15 Fixed plant pillar animation looking forward for nothing then going back down
Patch 15 Fixed placing bridge rope on grounded beams sometimes being hard to target
Patch 15 Fixed climb rope snap point taking away space from bridge rope snap point
Patch 15 Fixed multiplayer clients able to trigger spear trap while empty
Patch 15 Fixed multiplayer clients seeing the last spear show up for a frame after throwing one
Patch 15 Fixed left side of "lean to" structure having a snap point to overlap a leaning beam over the existing one
Patch 15 Fixed placing door planks really fast as multiplayer client resulting in multiple instances of the door from client POV
Patch 15 Fixed placing radios on round tables not working
Patch 15 Fixed projectiles going through round tables
Patch 15 Fixed placing bridge floor planks by looking in void between ropes not working
Patch 15 Fixed having a prompt to add bridge floor planks to a rope bridge with only one rope
Patch 15 Fixed dismantling bridge rope then cancelling before it goes through moving the rope visual far away
Patch 15 Fixed wall supported furniture placing with a visible offset from the support when aiming to the side
Patch 15 Fixed issue that caused ziplines linked with trees to be sometimes linked with wrong trees in old saves
Patch 15 Fix for cycling the ammo in the shotgun. Now when the ammo is cycled, the player gets the remaining ammo back currently in the weapon and then is forced to reload the weapon with the new ammo
Patch 15 Fixed removing 6th log in a defensive wall not working
Patch 15 Fixed numerous collision errors that were occurring on various items
Patch 15 Fixed null refs when building the basic log sled. This will fix the logs in basic sleds not disappearing when moving far away from the sled
Patch 15 Fixed the LOD group distances on the wristwatch
Patch 15 Shotgun will now properly load a single round if the reloading action was cancelled by the player
Patch 15 Fixed issues with the crafting cog not showing the correct UI based on what is on the mat and if the players inventory is full
Patch 15 Fixed issues with the log sled allowing the player to place both item types in the side racks once the LODs have been toggled or the game has been loaded from a save
Patch 15 The player grab bag will now properly show the different arrow upgrade types
Patch 15 Fixed issue with arrows causing a null ref in multiplayer when shooting an item storage container
Patch 15 Fixed null reference host sometimes gets when a client completes a structure while mashing the build button
Patch 15 Fix for clients sometimes getting the wrong upgraded arrow types if they are spam picking them up out of storage
Patch 15 Fixed null reference on destroy for Collision Proxy
Patch 15 Fix to stop errors when attaching to ziplines
Patch 15 Fix for null reference error when syncing structures state from server before all the data is received
Patch 15 Fix for player being able to do actions while opening hatches
Patch 15 Fix for reload UI coming up if the shotgun reload is cancelled after a single shell has been added
Patch 15 When an item is rejected from being added to a structure node, only the the player adding the item will now spawn a fake drop item
Patch 15 Fixed sometimes getting into a bad state if the player tries to eat via hotkey at the exact time they begin drinking water while having a slow unequipped item equipped
Patch 15 Fixed issue where the player would re-equip their weapon in the water if they slid into the water while refilling their flask or drinking water
Patch 15 Reduced the animation state blending on the eating of the oyster so that it does not pop into the players hand so quickly
Patch 15 Fixed issue with melee weapons first looks not playing if the melee weapon was picked up for the first time while having a ranged weapon equipped
Patch 15 Fixed book cover sometimes appearing low resolution
Patch 15 Fix for items in inventory not always sheening when new
Patch 15 Removed 'Fight Demons' tattoo from cultists arms
Patch 15 Fixed Raft area calculation getting stuck on
Patch 15 Fixes for some plants popping off too soon
Patch 15 Added missing dig indicator to Shotgun Grave
Patch 15 Fixed layout ordering of cereal in the grab bag so we don’t have floating cereal boxes
Patch 15 Audio added for flying small birds and humming birds
Patch 15 Ambient cracking ice sound added to ice caves
Patch 15 Made silenced pistol shots louder
Patch 15 Widened squirrel footsteps pan
Patch 15 Added new audio event for Hummingbird
Patch 15 Added story pages mouseover event and made crossbow mouseover and tactical bow mouseover come from same position
Patch 15 Added sounds for multi trap snapping shut and better explosion audio
Patch 15 Tuned deer audio, bird noises, and mutant tree jump sounds
Patch 15 Added metal jump landing player footstep event
Patch 15 Fixed spatial audio issues with fire arrows
Patch 15 Added gore audio to Grind Trap
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed issue with spear storage where you could add more spears than were visible
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed textures on held story item when held by another player in multiplayer
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Increased range and brightness of spotlight
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Improved texture streaming on story notes
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed story notes not being readable on lowest texture quality settings
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed issue where recipe for crafting fire arrows would prioritize molotov’s if not enough arrows were on mat
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed issue with the available recipe UI not properly showing the first time the player opens their inventory
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed missing fish in streams
Patch 14 - Hotfix 2 Fixed an issue where yachts wouldn’t unload correctly when player was not near them
Patch 14 - Hotfix 1 Fixed story pages object in inventory not showing up in old saves
Patch 14 - Hotfix 1 Fixed game switching to fullscreen for a moment when starting game if set to windowed
Patch 14 Added craftable arrow types, fire, shock, poison and explosive
Patch 14 New small cave added to map
Patch 14 Added another ??? findable item
Patch 14 You can now view all the notes you find around the world via the group of pages item in inventory
Patch 14 Added 3 new findable blueprint traps and 2 other findable blueprints
Patch 14 Added buildable spear holder
Patch 14 Added buildable double bed
Patch 14 Added new cannibal type ‘Igor’
Patch 14 Added some new note pickups
Patch 14 Added new decorative magazine and book
Patch 14 Added new crafting animation for crafting GPS trackers
Patch 14 Added a bunch of new details, pickups and environment details to world
Patch 14 Added various details to many of the cannibal villages
Patch 14 Extended and detailed the 3 ice caves
Patch 14 Added new facial deformities to some cannibal faces
Patch 14 Added new draped tarp pickups on some stumps and skeletons in world
Patch 14 Muddies will now gather to pray to their own effigies that were added to various places around the world and will now prioritize food over everything else
Patch 14 Cannibals with skin masks or bags on their heads now have more agitated idle animations
Patch 14 Tactical bow resting idle can now be aimed down slightly further, bringing it in line with the crafted bow idle animation
Patch 14 When holding a bow and equipping the lighter, the lighter will no longer float through the air towards the players hand
Patch 14 Overweight Male Cannibals now have an alternate burning animation which fixes a bug where they would pop from prone to standing
Patch 14 Heavy Cannibals’ drink water animation has been cleaned up so that their club is in the correct position in their hand
Patch 14 Added more deer and land turtles to the far side of map
Patch 14 Twins now has an electrocute reaction
Patch 14 When the player skins dead animals, other players will now see the knife and pickup in their hands
Patch 14 Improved the look of creepy Virginia and demon wetness masks
Patch 14 Improved albedo on fishing huts
Patch 14 Converted various pickups to use more performant primitives colliders
Patch 14 Improved look and detail of many of the story note pages
Patch 14 Added extra fog to mountains and added more fog details on far side of map
Patch 14 Added poisoned status support to characters, they will lose health and energy and sometimes get injured and stop attacking when poisoned, and multiple poison effects will stack
Patch 14 Arrows that break a piece of armor will attach to the enemy instead of falling off
Patch 14 Items dropped on killing a character should now retain item instance data if there is any stored
Patch 14 Cannibals carrying a torch will now drop their torch on death
Patch 14 Improved issues with hitting or electrocuting cannibals on trees not knocking them off
Patch 14 When a client dismembers a dead body, the limbs now spawn in the position they see them
Patch 14 Adjusted killer whales away from some too shallow areas, and fixed visual issue with their jump
Patch 14 Filled the large lake on the far side of the mountain with fish
Patch 14 Improved the look of cycling arrows on the bow by not having the arrow flicker while switching to to the next arrow
Patch 14 Improved how lighting held items work
Patch 14 Added some randomization to tarp bounces
Patch 14 When dismounting the Knight V you will now re-equip your previous weapon
Patch 14 Improved look of Common Juniper billboard
Patch 14 Added far distance stippling when billboards are disabled/enabled
Patch 14 Added wind effect to placed tarps
Patch 14 Some vegetation added to cliff and mountain meshes
Patch 14 Pipes and drips added in bunker food corridor
Patch 14 Some small environment changes and updates for new points of interes
Patch 14 Lake details layout improved
Patch 14 Entertainment bunker entrance adjusted to not get momentarily stuck in rock when entering
Patch 14 Oak tree albedo map adjustment to blend better with environment
Patch 14 Reduced baby attack damage from 15 to 10
Patch 14 The animation for the player retrieving their backpack after a death has been sped up and shortened
Patch 14 On sleep interruption, players will now sometimes find multiple enemies close by
Patch 14 Masked cannibals will sometimes get out of breath
Patch 14 A fire status impact on a dead body will now burn it to bones (eg. fire arrows or torch)
Patch 14 When muddies eat, it will reduce their anger and make them more likely to ignore the player, and they are now more likely to be distracted by food during combat
Patch 14 Set Dead Stump A break amount to 10 (so one hit breaks)
Patch 14 Fixed dismembered limbs on dead bodies coming back after loading game
Patch 14 Fixed issue where placing severed head on a stick could break other player actions
Patch 14 Fixed index array exception in multiplayer when a player equips their third modded weapon
Patch 14 Fixed locking and unlocking doors in player bases not updating the navigation graph, and fixed some missing door setup
Patch 14 Fixed some cases of navigation links from bases to terrain not refreshing and improved accuracy of check for the navigation links
Patch 14 Fixed rock beam not updating nav cut when it's finished or partially dismantled
Patch 14 Fixed leaning beams navigation cuts not applying scale correctly
Patch 14 Fixed some issues with ramp navigation not linking segments correctly
Patch 14 Fixed trees not falling properly in multiplayer when destroyed with an explosive
Patch 14 Fixed falling trees not dealing damage to multiplayer clients
Patch 14 Fixed twins climb out of ground not immediately completing when alerted, and disabled climbing out of bunker floors
Patch 14 Fixed heavy cannibal death on back looping glitch
Patch 14 Fixed some regular cannibal types always glowing in the dark
Patch 14 Fix for some note pickups being obscured by thumb when held
Patch 14 Fixed look of alpha on newspaper clippings
Patch 14 Fix for email pickup normals looking blocky
Patch 14 Fixed spear being hard to pickup when looking at extremities
Patch 14 Fixed placing a pillar next to an apex breaking the nearby apex supported beam
Patch 14 Fixed incorrect deck rail placement option when targeting a full wall without a beam above while holding a log plank
Patch 14 Fixed carrying gold mask enemy not showing mask
Patch 14 Removed pistol reload animation from the bows animation graph and stopped it from trying to perform the reloading animation if the lighter was also equipped
Patch 14 Fixed issue where message notifications on the left side of the screen would not show up properly is there was an already active notification on the screen
Patch 14 Fix some visual jerkiness when large animals or enemies turn on terrain slopes
Patch 14 Fix some driftwood at beach reappearing after breaking
Patch 14 Fixed player knocked down when holding a bow causing jerkiness of camera and animation
Patch 14 Fixed case where damaged beams could prevent placing floor planks
Patch 14 Fixed structures attached to beams floating if the pillars supporting it are cut
Patch 14 Fixed case where placing a grounded beam near a hill would result with a beam into a broken state
Patch 14 Fixed bridge rope UI not turning red after reaching max distance without touching a structure
Patch 14 Fixed dismantling standing fire not working
Patch 14 Fixed fishing huts lod1 not using the right material with support for occlusion
Patch 14 Fixed snow occlusion popping in Fishing huts/Snow cabin sometimes when looking up
Patch 14 Fixed bad player state when opening inventory while unequipping book or using shovel
Patch 14 Fixed radios in multiplayer not playing in sync or not playing at all in some case
Patch 14 Fixed propane burners explosion not synced properly in multiplayer
Patch 14 Fixed traps not triggering on first frame in multiplayer
Patch 14 Fixed animation visual issues when eating consumables from world
Patch 14 Fixed menu buttons hologram background and final death screen text showing as squares in some languages
Patch 14 Fixed final death screen not scaling properly with resolution
Patch 14 Fixed final death screen localization
Patch 14 Fix for Inventory item info UI sometimes not turning off when hovering over buttons that also had UI elements
Patch 14 Fixed material memory leaks in Book / Inventory
Patch 14 Fix visual popping for aloe, arrow leaf and spreading phlox in some cases
Patch 14 Fixed displacement on water/streams not working correctly
Patch 14 Fix for some density volumes getting culled
Patch 14 Fix for broken Spreading Phlox Burn error
Patch 14 Fix for visible gap in streams section LODs
Patch 14 Added audio for stepping on large piles of gore
Patch 14 Added new Solafite ore pickup event
Patch 14 Added event for bumping swinging lantern
Patch 14 Moved pickaxe sting to music category
Patch 14 Added event for weapons impacting hanging gore
Patch 14 Added gore footstep jump event
Patch 14 Added force SFX mute while 3d audio blocker active
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Fixed some unique items reappearing when already owned
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Fixed some issues with planks in cave B not being disabled correctly
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Fixed breaking some stumps spawning tarp pickups
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Increased damage on multi-trap
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Fixed Greg cannibal having a white face mask
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Lowered speed of new cannibal Henry slightly
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Fixed issue with Henry being overly aggressive when player tries to retrieve backpack
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2 Re-added cave light debug command but with new visual settings that don’t break cave visuals
Patch 13 - Hotfix 1 Fixed some issues with Z-fighting in book
Patch 13 - Hotfix 1 Fixed placing convex corner tarp on beams directly on the ground not working
Patch 13 - Hotfix 1 Improved visibility of light leading the way to cave b extension
Patch 13 - Hotfix 1 Removed aipause, aighost and cavelight from release builds
Patch 13 You can now use tarps to build walls
Patch 13 Added 3 new findable blueprints including a new trap
Patch 13 Added two new ??? Items
Patch 13 Complete re-work of cave D (and added some surprises)
Patch 13 Added extension to cave B
Patch 13 New skinned face mask enemy type ‘Henry’
Patch 13 Added new round table buildable
Patch 13 2 new magazine props added
Patch 13 Bunch of new gore and hanging gore props
Patch 13 Added some new note pickups
Patch 13 Twins can now breakthrough and emerge from the ground in both caves and overworld
Patch 13 Items in inventory will now wobble for a moment when the inventory is opened
Patch 13 Reworked the item plating structure so that you do not need to use the grab bag to add the Solafite
Patch 13 Updated the notes tab in the blueprint book to be grey
Patch 13 The blueprint book will now show the current category page numbers at the top right of the page as well as on the previous and next buttons
Patch 13 Added Tab Collections to the blueprint book so that any page can be directly accessed
Patch 13 Updated the blueprint and tutorial books with the new tab images
Patch 13 Item plating structure can now be destroyed if it is attacked
Patch 13 Added an FPS limiter to the pause menu to fix GPUs being overworked
Patch 13 Switched a lot of item colliders to primitives to improve performance and reduce risk of falling through terrain
Patch 13 Player is now more easily knocked down when hit by a golf cart
Patch 13 Added left handed item support while using the log sled
Patch 13 Added ranged weapon aiming sensitivity support to the spear, bow and slingshot
Patch 13 Smoothed out transition between default and aimed sensitivity
Patch 13 Added localization for item perishable states
Patch 13 New backings and shadows added to all blueprint images
Patch 13 Some details and tweaks to cave b
Patch 13 Improved bunker entertainment lighting
Patch 13 Improved details in fishing huts and added breakable planks
Patch 13 Improved Solafite texture detail
Patch 13 Moved PJ’s to sailboat
Patch 13 Improved look of bloody katana
Patch 13 Improved fade range for portable light
Patch 13 Small wood bridge added over jump area in hell cave
Patch 13 Added missing rocks to hell cave merged collision to stop enemies occasionally falling through floor
Patch 13 Some improvements to cave A detailing
Patch 13 Merged collision meshes for cave and bunker transition groups and ice caves
Patch 13 Dynamic hanging skull lights added to some caves
Patch 13 Added weather occlusion to old fishing huts
Patch 13 Wall torch now has a fixed orientation, fixes edge cases where the slight tilt causes it to be visually not touching the supporting structure and not be linked for destruction
Patch 13 Lights are now positioned inside the light bulb for the freeform lightbulb and the powered cross instead of floating in front of it, so that bringing objects near it looks more realistic
Patch 13 Being inside now prevents snow clumps from spawning at player feet
Patch 13 Added new unfold animation when placing tarp ramps
Patch 13 Feather bursts tinted to match different colored birds
Patch 13 Kelvin can now retrieve nearby spears
Patch 13 Added additional smoothing of head look rotation on characters
Patch 13 Regular Puffies can no longer be skinned for creepy armor, and John2 increased to give 2 creepy armor
Patch 13 Can no longer parry helicopter attacks or body slams by end boss
Patch 13 Reduced dismemberment on Heavy cannibal kick and club attacks, increased on boat engine
Patch 13 Fixed John2 phasing through walls
Patch 13 Fix John2 not triggering Mace trap and radio trap
Patch 13 Fixed incorrect year listed on some magazine props
Patch 13 Fixed issue where structure lights and FX wouldn't start deactivated after loading save
Patch 13 Fixed some breakable cave boards being misaligned on clients
Patch 13 Fixed Demon not colliding with player, not pushing bushes, and getting stuck on hanging crosses
Patch 13 Fixed the most common causes of eagles or ducks flying on the ground
Patch 13 Fixed clients in multiplayer games not seeing muzzle flashes from Virginia
Patch 13 Fixed Kelvin not being able to cut Arbutus trees, which could stop his progress in getting logs
Patch 13 Fixed Kelvin notepad icon left active when other player starts interacting with him
Patch 13 Disable notepad on Kelvin while mid-air, which previously froze player in mid-air
Patch 13 Disabled torch block since it didn't block any damageF
Patch 13 Fixed flashlight not matching the aim of revolver or pistol when aiming down sights, and not matching rope gun aim
Patch 13 Fixed issue causing ragdolls to sometimes have distorted poses (especially neck joint)
Patch 13 Fixed some issues with enemy weapons not detaching and dropping when the holding character ragdolls
Patch 13 Cannibals will no longer place effigies overnight in peaceful mode
Patch 13 Fixed Puffies standing up after jumping even if they continued to run later
Patch 13 Fixed Puffies sometimes not waking up when hit
Patch 13 Fix rare case of some village cannibals spawning in ocean
Patch 13 Changed character name on sundowner magazine
Patch 13 Fixed radio trap triggering randomly on dead bodies
Patch 13 Player is no longer blasted into space if they open their inventory while standing on an armed spring trap
Patch 13 Fixed issue where pickups with a ranged amount (ammo boxes) would never include their max value in their random value calculation. Example: A chance of 1 to 2 would always result in 1
Patch 13 Fixed issue that if the player is already wearing the gold armor, and it is then forced on from the gold room or hell door cutscenes, it would be permanently visually stuck on
Patch 13 Simplified the colliders for the flashlight mod and fixed issues with its emissive material application
Patch 13 Fixed issue with player never losing their warmth status after stashing their lit held torch
Patch 13 Spears can now be picked up even if the player is already holding maximum spears
Patch 13 Fix for Night vision goggles being visible on other players when in gold room cutscene
Patch 13 Large log storage structure can now be destroyed and will also wobble on dismantle
Patch 13 Left hand items can no longer be re-equipped while the left item was stashed to reload the right hand item
Patch 13 Fixed issue with the healing effects of items being lost if they were used when low health and the low health instant regain triggers
Patch 13 Fixed issue with fade to black not showing up if the player triggered sleeping when crouched
Patch 13 Fixed issue with Duct Tape and C4 Bricks moving/floating when spawned in a container and the container is pushed around
Patch 13 Fixing offset colliders on the crossbow when it is on the crafting mat
Patch 13 Player can now jump while riding the Knight V and holding a structure
Patch 13 Fix for GPS icons on the edges of the tracker screen not staying upright
Patch 13 Updated many of the structures with better collision. This fixes projectiles going through them
Patch 13 Fix for errors in multiplayer games when armor pieces are removed from other players because they equipped the gold armor
Patch 13 Fixed errors when clients would take the weapon out of the item plating machine
Patch 13 Notes pages should no longer be visible on other players when they have the book equipped
Patch 13 Fixed chance of players being kicked from multiplayer games when some items were fake dropped
Patch 13 Fix for pause not blocked when entering mutant boss cutscene
Patch 13 Added delay to activate stump damage (1s) to prevent stumps being instantly destroyed
Hotfix 1 Fixed an issue with input mapping
Acceso anticipado de computadora
Revisión 1Revisión 2Revisión 3Parche 01 • Parche 01 - Revisión 1 • Parche 01 - Revisión 2 • Parche 02Parche 02 - Revisión 1Parche 03Parche 04Parche 04 - Revisión 1
Parche 05 • Parche 05 - Revisión 1 • Parche 05 - Revisión 2 • Parche 06 • Parche 06 - Revisión 1 • Parche 06 - Revisión 2 • Parche 07 • Parche 07 - Revisión 1 • Parche 07 - Revisión 2
• Parche 08 • Parche 08 - Revisión 1 • Parche 08 - Revisión 2 • Parche 08 - Revisión 3 • Parche 08 - Revisión 4 • Parche 08 - Revisión 5 • Parche 09 • Parche 10 • Parche 10 - Revisión 1
• Parche 10 - Revisión 2 • Parche 11 • Parche 11 - Revisión 1 • Parche 12 • Parche 12 - Revisión 1 • Parche 12 - Revisión 2 • Parche 13 • Parche 13 - Revisión 1 • Parche 13 - Revisión 2
• Parche 14 • Parche 14 - Revisión 1 • Parche 14 - Revisión 2 • Parche 15 • Parche 15 - Revisión 1 • Parche 15 - Revisión 2
ActualizacionesContenido no implementadoNotas de parche formateadasNoticias del juego
La versión actual es el Parche 3 - Revisión 4, que fue lanzada el 13 de marzo de 2024.
El juego lanzó su versión 1.0 el 23 de febrero de 2024.