Fat Cannibals

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Fat Cannibals are a type of enemy in Sons of the Forest that can be seen on the surface.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Fat Cannibals can appear as either male of female, each with their own distinctive appearances and mannerisms. Males are covered head to toe in red body paint or blood, and will always appear completely naked, standing in an intimidating fashion. Female can either appear wearing a loincloth or a makeshift dress made of leather strips, and will usuall cower and exhibit an overall more anxious behavior.

Regardless of their gender, Fat Cannibals both share the same move set.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Naturally hostile, they are often seen in groups of raiding cannibals and amongst cannibal camps in groups of one to four. Red Cannibals are rather fast for their size and stature and will charge at the player if they get too close.

They randomly attack the player’s base in raids and prioritize attacking buildings instead of the player by ramming themselves into structures. However, their damage to the structures are low. They are used by the other cannibals as a "siege" weapon, destroying the players defenses. If the player decides to get close to a Red Cannibal instead of shooting, they will change their focus from the structures to the player.

They can sometimes be seen disengaging from a fight and eating a corpse, likely to recover health and fullness.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Strengths[edit | edit source]

  • Red Cannibals have incredibly high attack damage and can easily knock off multiple pieces of bone armor with a single hit.

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

  • Red Cannibals can be staggered if hit by a projectile fired by the player or Virginia. Projectiles striking their neck might not always kill them, but knocks them over; while shots to the legs and arms stagger them. A gunshot to head, however, kills them instantly, similar to regular cannibals.
  • Highly vulnerable to explosives.
  • Tech armor offers the best protection if hit by a Red Cannibal.
Version Changes
Early Access release Added to the game.
Patch 01 Improved red cannibal animation and blends