Custom Buildings
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Custom Buildings are created by placing materials, usually logs and sticks. Unlike Prefab Buildings, they can be deconstructed by pressing Dismantle (C on Keyboard/Mouse, Square on PlayStation controllers, and X on Xbox controllers by default) as long as they are not required to support another piece of the structure.
Tarp Structures [edit | edit source]
Tent v1 [edit | edit source]
Place down a Tarp and add two Sticks to sleep and save the game.
Floor trampoline [edit | edit source]
Tent v2 [edit | edit source]
Other variant of tent using 3x Tarps and 4x Sticks
Ramp Tramp [edit | edit source]
Stick Structures [edit | edit source]
Basic Fire [edit | edit source]
Break down two Sticks then hold E to light it up.
Standing Fire [edit | edit source]
Place a Stick vertically, add a Cloth and then break second Stick.
Stick Structures [edit | edit source]
Place a Stick vertically and add to it a Skull or use axe to sharpen then Stick
Fence [edit | edit source]
Place two Sticks vertically and add two more horizontally. Add Rocks for reinforcement.
Reinforced Fire [edit | edit source]
Place down 7x Rocks to make the fireplace last loner.
Skull Lamp [edit | edit source]
Place a Stick vertically, put onto it a Cloth then a Skull. Add Rocks for reinforcement.
Reinforced Stick Structures [edit | edit source]
Add three Rocks per one vertical Stick to add more leath to stick structures.
Electric Fence [edit | edit source]
Add Wire to the Fence, then connect it to Solar Panel. You can also add Large Battery for night time.
Log Structures [edit | edit source]
Floor [edit | edit source]
Place down 5x Planks for full floor. Press RMB to change floor orientation.
Wall [edit | edit source]
Place down 6x Logs horizontally for full wall.
Door [edit | edit source]
Cut out 5x Logs starting from the bottom in the Wall and place 3x Planks for the door.
Window [edit | edit source]
Cut out 3x Logs starting with the 3rd one from the bottom.
Stairs [edit | edit source]
Place one leaning Log against wall. Then fill the gap with 9x Planks.
Roof [edit | edit source]
Basic flat roof using 5x Planks.
Defensive Wall [edit | edit source]
Surround your base with this to piss cannibals even more. Works with every Log lengths.
Firewood [edit | edit source]
Place down 50x Quarter Planks to build a stack of firewood.
Single Step [edit | edit source]
Place single Plank when you have Log connecting horizontally with ground.
Struts [edit | edit source]
Place Half Logs or 3/4 Logs under the vertical Log for support.
Door Lock [edit | edit source]
Place 1x Stick to door to make a lock.
Window Shutters [edit | edit source]
Place 2x Quarter Planks in the window to prevent cannibals from entering your house.
Ramp [edit | edit source]
Place 2x leaning Logs and fill the gap with 9x Planks. Press RMB to choose Ramp or Stairs.
Corner Ramp [edit | edit source]
Place 1x vertical and 3x leaning Logs, then fill the gap with 10x Planks
Railing [edit | edit source]
Place at least 2x Half Logs vertically and Plank on top of them. Works with every Log lengths.
Basic Beams [edit | edit source]
Put vertically a Log and Half Log (or any other combination) and connect them vith horizontal Log.
Stone Structures [edit | edit source]
Stone Floor [edit | edit source]
Place 20x Stones to build a floor.
Stone Door [edit | edit source]
Cut out 5x Stones starting from the bottom in the Stone Wall and place 3x Planks.
Stone Wall [edit | edit source]
Place down 28x Stones to build a wall.
Stone Window [edit | edit source]
Cut out 3x Stone rows starting with the 3rd one from the bottom.
Rope [edit | edit source]
Climbing Rope [edit | edit source]
Attach a Rope to any type wall to climb over it.
Rope Bridge [edit | edit source]
Place two Logs vertically that were connected, then attach two Ropes and place on them Planks.
Electricity [edit | edit source]
Basic Electricity [edit | edit source]
Place Light Bulbs inside house, place Solar Panel outside house and connect them with Wires.
Upgraded Electricity [edit | edit source]
Add a Large Battery to placed Solar Panel in order to use Light Bulbs in nighttime.