Solar Panel

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The solar panel is a power-generating item in Sons of the Forest.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Solar panels can be placed on any even surface or ramps up to 45°. Wires can be connected to a small outlet on the side of the solar pannel to power the circuit. Solar panels are equipped with a power meter displaying the current energy output (but not the consumption); throughout daytime, solar panels will generate a constant output of 100 watts. The power generation is tied to the in-game time and not the actual sunlight, which means that a solar panel placed indoors or under a dense canopy will still generate power so long as it is daytime outside. Starting at 5pm, the solar panel's output will slowly reduce until it reaches zero at 6pm, progressively shutting every electric-powered items. The power will only start to gradually return at 5am and reach full capacity by 6am.

Large batteries can be connected to solar panels in order to accumulate and preserve power during nightime.

Updates[edit | edit source]

Patch 04
  • Destroying ramps a solar panel is on now spawns a pickup
  • Placed solar panels now have collision
  • Fixed bug causing incorrect count of light bulbs and solar panels received on pickup
  • Fixed case where snow & wetness occlusion as well as solar panel initialization didn't work for tree structures
  • Fixed case where removing an electric wire didn't work properly and could prevent the underlying power grid system from splitting in two and behaving as expected
  • Fixed destroying solar panel support not cascading to the solar panel