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The Twins, named after their conjoined nature, are enemies in Sons of the Forest. As creepy mutants, they appear both on the surface and in the caves below.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The Twins appear as two deformed humans fused at the glutes with coordinated movements. Both of their limbs are extremely elongated and thin, with claw-like hands to strike with and climb walls. One face is deformed and split apart.

The two humans the Twins comprised of are mostly similar, but the right one seems to be skinnier and has a dent in its head. If you look at the prominent features, you can see that one is female, and the other is male.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The Twins have the ability to crawl on cave walls and ceilings, as well as making surprise appearances by emerging from the ground. Twins prefer avoiding directly charging at their target, instead opting to flank or lurk in dark areas to confuse them. Twins are able to detect moving objects in their surroundings.

The Twins display hostility towards the player, surface cannibals, and potentially the caterpillar, yet they refrain from engaging in combat with other mutants (it is unknown as to whether accidental hits will cause them to fight). Twins will sometimes team up with other mutants to fight regular cannibals within camps.

In addition to caves, Twins can also spawn on the surface, particularly around cave entrances after they have been opened for a while, as well as during Creepy takeovers of villages.

Strengths and Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Strengths[edit | edit source]

  • Agile
  • High armor
  • Moderate electrical stun resistance
  • Strong against arrow-fire
  • Can attack in a 360 area
  • Can climb cave walls

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

  • Easy to be dodged, can be jumped over.
  • Explosives
  • Firearms
  • Can be distracted with Flares (distraction will not work if they have spotted the player).
  • Vulnerable to the Stun Baton & Crafted Club [verify?].

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Update history[edit | edit source]

Version Changes
Early Access release Added to the game.