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This is Farket, a Youtube sensation.

Tested and useful commands[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description
addallitems Adds all items to the players inventory, including items that can't be found in the game, such as the guitar and slingshot.
addallstoryitems Adds all story items, most likely the keycards which are useful for gaining access to places.
setstrengthlevel setstrengthlevel 50 Changes the strength of the player. Strength most likely only affects the players health at this point of the game.
cavelight cavelight on
cavelight off
Very useful, adds a bright light on the player, very good for caves, a little bit overpowered though. It is way too bright.
season season summer
season autumn
season winter
season spring
changes season to summer
changes season to autumn
changes season to winter
changes season to spring
cloudenable cloudenable on
cloudenable off
On by default, if used it will turn off all the clouds. This will increase the games performance. Only works if cloud quality is set to high. Also great for getting screenshots as it removes a lot of darkness.
aighostplayer aighostplayer on
aighostplayer off
You become invisible to enemies
Disables invisibility
aigodmode aigodmode on
aigodmode off
Enables God mode for Companions
Disables God mode for Companions
creepyvillage creepyvillage Spawns cave monsters
killradius killradius 50 Kills enemies in a 50 zone around the player

Character[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description
Fingers Mutant addcharacter fingers
Kelvin addcharacter robby Adds another kelvin (affinity starts at 0)
Virginia addcharacter virginia Adds a virginia (affinity starts at 0)
Fat Red Man addcharacter fat
addcharacter malefat
Fat Female addcharacter femalefat
Heavy Male addcharacter heavy
Demon addcharacter demon Adds a demon (enemy found at endgame)
Twins addcharacter twins Adds a twin mutant
Timmy addcharacter timmy Adds Timmy, he runs away and shoots randomly at things with a revolver, cannot be interacted with, carries a flask too, cannot be killed.
Male Cannibal addcharacter male Adds a random male cannibal or selected cannibal (Danny,carl,Billy,Andy)
Female Cannibal addcharacter female Adds a random female cannibal or selected cannibal (Destiny,Angel,Brandy,Crystal)
Assorted Cannibals addcharacter family This one can add a random cannibal, maybe even more. Can add the leader ones too.
Shark addcharacter shark Adds a shark that will float around in the air, funny
Orca addcharacter killerwhale Adds Orca that will float around in the air also, also funny
Turtle addcharacter turtle
Tortoise addcharacter landturtle
Rabbit addcharacter rabbit
Squirrel addcharacter squirrel
Seagull addcharacter seagull
Birds addcharacter bluebird
Hummingbird addcharacter hummingbird
Deer addcharacter deer
Duck addcharacter duck
Moose addcharacter moose
Muddy Female addcharacter muddyfemale AKA skinny cannibals
Muddy Male addcharacter muddymale AKA skinny cannibals
Cannibal Leader addcharacter facelessmale
Mutant Baby addcharacter baby
Mr Puffton addcharacter mrpuffton
Mrs Puffton addcharacter mrspuffton
Slug addcharacter slug From the Timmy and Eric Cutscene
Male Cave Mutant addcharacter MrPuffy
Female Cave Mutant addcharacter MissPuffy
Worm (John) addcharacter john2
Tested and do not work Crocodile, alligator, boar, paintedfemale, paintedmale, raccoon
Ones to test TimmysDad (tried many variants, listed as timmysdad in the texture files, doesn't show as an AI, his game name is probably different)

Console Commands[edit | edit source]

AI Commands[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description
aiangerlevel Change the anger level for all the cannibal on the island.
aiarmortier Change the anger level for all the cannibal on the island.
aidisable Disable and removed every AI from the game.
aidodgetest Will pause every AI existing on the island.
aighostplayer Will make the player invisible to AI.
aijumpdebug Will pause every AI existing on the island.
airadar Will pause every AI existing on the island.
aishoweventmemory Show an event register by an AI.
aishowhealth Show health box below an AI.
aishownavgraph Show the navgraph on the floor which AI use to navigate.
aishowplayerinfluences Show values influences by the player on an AI.
aishowstats Show general stats from an AI.
aishowsurvivalstats Show survival stast from an AI (Fullness, hydration and energy.)
aishowthoughts Show houghts with a box below an AI.
aitestsleep Will put every AI in a different states which prompt them to sleep.

Items[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description
addallbookpages Not sure what use this has, as the player starts with all the book pages.
additem Use to give the player any items by using ID or name.
virginiagiveitem Probably used to give virginia items, most likely can only work with the items she's designated to carry.

robbycarry log
robbycarry stick
robbycarry rock
robbycarry fish

Can set Kelvin to carry an item in his hand. Can only add one at time. If you keep adding that same command, he can drop it all at once. So if you add the fish command 50 times, he will drop 50 fish at your feet when you talk to him. Cannot seem to add other items. More testing required.
removeallitems Remove all the items in the player inventory except the starting tools, repair tool, etc (check remove items section for more info)
refillcontainers Refills the water canteen, possibly other things. Needs more testing.
spawnitem Used for spawning items. Item list is required, however most are obvious. So if you write 'spawnitem spear' it will spawn a spear.

Time Commands[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description

timescale 0
timescale 1
timescale 2
timescale 3
timescale 10

0 Pauses the game
1 is Normal gamespeed
2 Doubles game speed
3 Triples game speed
Very useful command as it speeds up the game time. Very useful to speed up the process of building, placing logs etc. Avoid speeds over 10 unless you're sure your PC can handle the heat. Timescale 2 or 3 is good for log placement.
settimeofday settimeofday 12 useful for changing the time of day to a specific time. Use 24 hour time. For example 'settimeofday 15' will change it to 3pm. It is helpful to use this command in conjunction with

setgametimespeed 1
setgametimespeed 2
setgametimespeed 3
setgametimespeed 10
setgametimespeed 50
setgametimespeed 100

Speeds up the time the day / night progresses. You have to put a number at the end of it.
setcurrentday setcurrentday 0

setcurrentday 1
setcurrentday 10
setcurrentday 100
setcurrentday 1000

Changes the day to whatever day you choose, you must choose a number. May unlock achievements. Will affect the types of enemies that spawn.

Player Commands[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description
camerafov Changes the FOV based on the number you use at the end. Doesn't appear to affect the menu option.

speedyrun on
speedyrun off

Makes you run extremely fast, it is recommended to use this with godmode on to stop you from taking fall damage.

superjump on
superjump off

Makes you jump higher, does not require basketball shoes.

showhud on
showhud off

This can be useful for taking screenshots. The option isn't in the menu currently like it was in The Forest.
setstrengthlevel setstrengthlevel 50 Changes the strength of the player. Strength most likely only affects the players health at this point of the game.

setstat health 100
setstat energy 100
setstat stamina 100
setstat hunger 100
setstat hydration 100
setstat temperature 36
setstat strength 50

Can be used to change the players stats such as health, energy, stamina, temperature etc.

setplayerrace White
setplayerrace Black
setplayerrace Latin
setplayerrace Asian
setplayerrace BlackA
setplayerrace WhiteA
setplayerrace BlackB

Building Commands[edit | edit source]

Console Command Usage Description
buildermode Adds some items to the inventory, doesn't affect log building, seems kind of useless at this point.
buildhack Doesn't seem to do anything. I miss The Forest sometimes...
loghack Gives the player infinite logs, log variants can be switched.
Console Command Usage Description
addvirginia Adds another Virginia, sentiment starts at 0
areashadow areashadow 0
areashadow 1
Changes the area of shadow. 0 is normal and 1 is a massive area. Cannot be used to turn shadows off. Probably an useless command.
breakobjects Got no idea what this does, tested and it doesn't appear to do anything with containers. Tried using numbers and on/off. No idea
capsulemode Didn't appear to do anything, needs more testing. I think this one was in The Forest.
clearbushradius clearbushradius 10 Clears the bushes and other stuff around the player. Do not use high numbers, start with like 10 and work your way up. If you enter huge numbers you may crash your game or cause huge amounts of lag.
createlight createlight Creates a static source of light similar to the cavelight command, this doesn't move. Can be useful for getting screenshots as it will help negate the shadows.
dismemberradius Dismember random parts of a corspe by a radius.
igniteradius ignite any AI from a radius of the player.
killradius Kill any AI from a radius of the player.
openmacrosfolder Used for creating a set of macros of console commands. Needs to be tested on how this works. Will run a full list of commands if of whatever is entered when the macro is activated.
removedead Remove all dead AI.
removeliving Remove all dead AI.

season summer
season autumn
season fall
season winter
season spring

Changes the season based on what the player selects. Note that it takes a short time for the effects to begin. If you wish to test a build with how snow is affected on it, use timescale 5 to speed up time for example.
showfps showfps on
showfps off
Shows a little FPS counter up the top right, similar to that of Steams FPS counter.
togglego Used for turning objects on and off, use diarenderers for a list that creates in the game folder. Complicated but can be fun.
toggleoverlay Toggles what is normally F2, lists a whole bunch of info that can be info, such as the coordinates of the player.
toggleplayerstats Toggles what is normally F3, lists a whole bunch of stats the player has.
treescutall Cuts all trees down, in about a 100-metre radius. Will make the game lag for about 10 seconds depending on your system.
veganmode Turns of enemies most likely
virginialncutscenes Changes whether virginia is in the cutscenes
virginiasentiment Changes how virginia feels about you, the number ranges from something to something.

Most likely useless commands

Console Command Usage Description
resetsettings Can do this is the menu
togglevsync Can do this is the menu
trailer3 Adds a whole bunch of random items

Locations[edit | edit source]

Location Command Description
Before the food hall (Puffton fight) goto -933 60 1024 Still need the keycard
Crossbow location goto -1023 64 987
Entertainment Bunker goto bunkerentertainment Takes you outside the cave entrance
Food Bunker goto bunkerfood Takes you outside the cave entrance
Residential Bunker goto bunkerresidential Takes you outside the cave entrance
Residential Bunker before Door goto 1217 226 -626
Timmy & Eric Cutscene Entrance goto 1217 218 -624
Katana Location goto 1161 211 -653
Morgue goto 1143 193 -613
Helipad goto 1935 16 454
Maintenance A Bunker Entrance goto bunkera Firesmans Axe Bunker
Maintenance B Bunker Entrance goto bunkerb Compound Bow Bunker
Maintenance C Bunker Entrance goto bunkerc Revolver Bunker
Endgame Bunker Outside Entrance goto 1751 41 553
Endgame Door goto 1600 23 485 Requires Golden Armor to enter
End Entrance goto 706 -200 306 This is the entrance to end the game.
Shotgun Dig Location goto -1340 97 1413 Bring a shovel
Handgun on Boat goto -1796.8 15.5 578
Cave A Outside Entrance goto -423 16 1514
Rebreather Location (Cave A) goto -433 12 1457
Taser Location? (Cave A) goto -645 18 1513
Cave B Outside Entrance goto -1105 128.4 -178.7 Has the ropegun and 1 million enemies inside
Ropegun Location (Cave B) goto -1203 129 -276
Cave C Outside Entrance goto -531 198 131 Requires rebreather, ropegun isn't needed, can be parkoured
Shovel Location (Cave C) goto -428 136 -101
goto -421 141 -83
1st one will spawn you next to the shovel and twins, use the 2nd one to grab some distance
Cave D Outside Entrance Version 1 goto -640 197 -1048 Tiny cave with some supplies, has the chair & skeleton in it
Cave D Outside Entrance Version 2 goto -533 284 -628 Bigger version of the other Cave D & has supplies.
Snow Cave goto -105 397 1065 No crack entrance, has some supplies.
Snow Cave - Near Can Opener goto 140 408 -92 No crack entrance as well, has some supplies.
Glider Location goto -502 325 -309
Hanging Guy with Tracker goto -623 153 384
Modern Axe Camp goto -703 105 448
Tribal Village 1 goto -1101.3 99.4 1274.4
Tribal Village 2 goto -825 87 1001
Tribal Village Near Waterfall goto -955.8 278.8 781.5
Tribal Village Cliffside goto -1166 262 -1231
Tribal Village Beach Front goto -1755 17 1600
Tribal Village (Island Cross One) goto 1741 50 -1215
Tribal Village Double on the Beach goto 1792.1 20.6 -32.8 Teleport in tribal tower
Tribal Village Beach Near Helipad goto 1850.5 20.9 147.9 Teleport in tribal tower
Tribal Village Under Small Waterfall goto -601 87 870
Tribal Village Another one goto -764 99 777
Tribal Village with Small Pond goto -1469 82 1101
Airfield (Near crashed plane) goto 969 252 -1063
Two Grey Tent Camp Near Shotgun Grave goto -1255 102 1398
Camp (Supplies Only) goto -242 98 948
Binoculars Location goto -1117 21 1692
Fishing Sheds goto 1697 31 1025
Machete Camp goto -47 19 1456
Stun Baton Location Skull Pile goto -1145 132 -163
Crash Zone Beach goto -430 16 1596

Items[edit | edit source]

  • Some items cannot be spawned once they are collected which include most weapons, tools, and outfits
  • Some items don't have an ID, so they will be listed here: VirginiaDress
Code Name Add Item by ID Add Item by Name Spawn Item by ID Spawn Item by Name Remove Item by ID Remove Item by Name Category Notes
78 Log additem 78 additem log spawnitem 78 spawnitem log removeitem 78 removeitem log Logs Works
332 N/A additem 332 N/A spawnitem 332 N/A removeitem 332 N/A N/A N/A
333 N/A additem 333 N/A spawnitem 333 N/A removeitem 333 N/A N/A N/A
334 N/A additem 334 N/A spawnitem 334 N/A removeitem 334 N/A N/A N/A
335 N/A additem 335 N/A spawnitem 335 N/A removeitem 335 N/A N/A N/A
336 N/A additem 336 N/A spawnitem 336 N/A removeitem 336 N/A N/A N/A
337 N/A additem 337 N/A spawnitem 337 N/A removeitem 337 N/A N/A N/A
338 N/A additem 338 N/A spawnitem 338 N/A removeitem 338 N/A N/A N/A
339 N/A additem 339 N/A spawnitem 339 N/A removeitem 339 N/A N/A N/A
340 Guitar additem 340 additem guitar spawnitem 340 spawnitem guitar removeitem 340 removeitem guitar Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
341 Binoculars additem 341 additem binoculars spawnitem 341 spawnitem binoculars removeitem 341 removeitem binoculars Misc Works
342 N/A additem 342 N/A spawnitem 342 N/A removeitem 342 N/A N/A N/A
343 N/A additem 343 N/A spawnitem 343 N/A removeitem 343 N/A N/A N/A
344 N/A additem 344 N/A spawnitem 344 N/A removeitem 344 N/A N/A N/A
345 N/A additem 345 N/A spawnitem 345 N/A removeitem 345 N/A N/A N/A
346 Shotgun Rail additem 346 additem shotgunrail spawnitem 346 spawnitem shotgunrail removeitem 346 removeitem shotgunrail Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
347 N/A additem 347 N/A spawnitem 347 N/A removeitem 347 N/A N/A N/A
348 N/A additem 348 N/A spawnitem 348 N/A removeitem 348 N/A N/A N/A
349 N/A additem 349 N/A spawnitem 349 N/A removeitem 349 N/A N/A N/A
350 N/A additem 350 N/A spawnitem 350 N/A removeitem 350 N/A N/A N/A
351 Crafting Mat additem 351 additem grabbag spawnitem 351 spawnitem grabbag removeitem 351 removeitem grabbag Hidden Works - Sinks through the floor
352 N/A additem 352 N/A spawnitem 352 N/A removeitem 352 N/A N/A N/A
353 Stungun additem 353 additem stungun spawnitem 353 spawnitem stungun removeitem 353 removeitem stungun Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
354 Night Vision Goggles additem 354 additem nightvisiongoggles spawnitem 354 spawnitem nightvisiongoggles removeitem 354 removeitem nightvisiongoggles Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
355 Compact Pistol additem 355 additem compactpistol spawnitem 355 spawnitem compactpistol removeitem 355 removeitem compactpistol Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
356 Modern Axe additem 356 additem modernaxe spawnitem 356 spawnitem modernaxe removeitem 356 removeitem modernaxe Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
357 Air Gun additem 357 additem airgun spawnitem 357 spawnitem airgun removeitem 357 removeitem airgun Hidden DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
358 Shotgun additem 358 additem shotgun spawnitem 358 spawnitem shotgun removeitem 358 removeitem shotgun Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
359 Machete additem 359 additem machete spawnitem 359 spawnitem machete removeitem 359 removeitem machete Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
360 Compound Bow additem 360 additem tacticalbow spawnitem 360 spawnitem tacticalbow removeitem 360 removeitem tacticalbow Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
361 Rifle additem 361 additem rifle spawnitem 361 spawnitem rifle removeitem 361 removeitem rifle Hidden DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
362 Pistol Ammo - Single additem 362 additem 9mmammo spawnitem 362 spawnitem 9mmammo removeitem 362 removeitem 9mmammo Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
363 Slug ammo - Single additem 363 additem slugammo spawnitem 363 spawnitem slugammo removeitem 363 removeitem slugammo Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
364 Buckshot Ammo - Single additem 364 additem buckshotammo spawnitem 364 spawnitem buckshotammo removeitem 364 removeitem buckshotammo Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
365 Crossbow additem 365 additem crossbow spawnitem 365 spawnitem crossbow removeitem 365 removeitem crossbow Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
366 Tranquilizer Dart additem 366 additem trackerdart spawnitem 366 spawnitem trackerdart removeitem 366 removeitem trackerdart Hidden Works
367 Katana additem 367 additem katana spawnitem 367 spawnitem katana removeitem 367 removeitem katana Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
368 Crossbow Bolt additem 368 additem bolt spawnitem 368 spawnitem bolt removeitem 368 removeitem bolt Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
369 Stun Gun Ammo - Single additem 369 additem stungunammo spawnitem 369 spawnitem stungunammo removeitem 369 removeitem stungunammo Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
370 Pistol Ammo - Multiple additem 370 additem pistolammobox spawnitem 370 spawnitem pistolammobox removeitem 370 removeitem pistolammobox Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
371 Buckshot Ammo - Multiple additem 371 additem shotgunammoboxbuckshot spawnitem 371 spawnitem shotgunammoboxbuckshot removeitem 371 removeitem shotgunammoboxbuckshot Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
372 Slug ammo - Multiple additem 372 additem shotgunammoboxslug spawnitem 372 spawnitem shotgunammoboxslug removeitem 372 removeitem shotgunammoboxslug Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
373 Carbon Fiber Arrow additem 373 additem tacticalbowammo spawnitem 373 spawnitem tacticalbowammo removeitem 373 removeitem tacticalbowammo Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
374 Silencer additem 374 additem silencer spawnitem 374 spawnitem silencer removeitem 374 removeitem silencer Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
375 Laser sight additem 375 additem lasersightmod spawnitem 375 spawnitem lasersightmod removeitem 375 removeitem lasersightmod Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
376 Pistol Rail additem 376 additem compactpistolrail spawnitem 376 spawnitem compactpistolrail removeitem 376 removeitem compactpistolrail Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
377 Scope additem 377 additem scopemod spawnitem 377 spawnitem scopemod removeitem 377 removeitem scopemod Hidden Works
378 Flashlight Attachment additem 378 additem flashlightmod spawnitem 378 spawnitem flashlightmod removeitem 378 removeitem flashlightmod Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
379 Tactical Axe additem 379 additem tacticalaxe spawnitem 379 spawnitem tacticalaxe removeitem 379 removeitem tacticalaxe Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
380 Combat Knife additem 380 additem combatknife spawnitem 380 spawnitem combatknife removeitem 380 removeitem combatknife Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
381 Grenade additem 381 additem grenade spawnitem 381 spawnitem grenade removeitem 381 removeitem grenade Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
382 Grenade Ammo additem 382 additem grenadeammo spawnitem 382 spawnitem grenadeammo removeitem 382 removeitem grenadeammo Hidden Works, but doesn’t go in hand or inventory, its useless
383 Rifle Rail additem 383 additem riflerailmod spawnitem 383 spawnitem riflerailmod removeitem 383 removeitem riflerailmod Hidden Works
384 Crossbow Quiver additem 384 additem crossbowquiver spawnitem 384 spawnitem crossbowquiver removeitem 384 removeitem crossbowquiver Hidden DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
385 N/A additem 385 N/A spawnitem 385 N/A removeitem 385 N/A N/A N/A
386 Revolver additem 386 additem revolver spawnitem 386 spawnitem revolver removeitem 386 removeitem revolver Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
387 Random bullet ammo additem 387 additem rifleammo spawnitem 387 spawnitem rifleammo removeitem 387 removeitem rifleammo Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
388 Molotov additem 388 additem molotov spawnitem 388 spawnitem molotov removeitem 388 removeitem molotov Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
389 Molotov Ammo additem 389 additem molotovammo spawnitem 389 spawnitem molotovammo removeitem 389 removeitem molotovammo Hidden Works, but doesn’t go in hand or inventory, its useless
390 Printer Resin additem 390 additem resin spawnitem 390 spawnitem resin removeitem 390 removeitem resin 3D Printed Works
391 Red Mask additem 391 additem redmask spawnitem 391 spawnitem redmask removeitem 391 removeitem redmask Misc Works
392 Stick additem 392 additem stick spawnitem 392 spawnitem stick removeitem 392 removeitem stick Misc Works
393 Rock additem 393 additem rock spawnitem 393 spawnitem rock removeitem 393 removeitem rock Misc Works
394 Chainsaw additem 394 additem chainsaw spawnitem 394 spawnitem chainsaw removeitem 394 removeitem chainsaw Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
395 Log Plank additem 395 additem logplank spawnitem 395 spawnitem logplank removeitem 395 removeitem logplank Logs Works
396 Stun Baton additem 396 additem stunbaton spawnitem 396 spawnitem stunbaton removeitem 396 removeitem stunbaton Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
397 Mushroom Shiitake additem 397 additem shiitakemushroom spawnitem 397 spawnitem shiitakemushroom removeitem 397 removeitem shiitakemushroom Plants, mixes and seeds Works
398 Mushroom King Oyster additem 398 additem kingoystermushroom spawnitem 398 spawnitem kingoystermushroom removeitem 398 removeitem kingoystermushroom Plants, mixes and seeds Works
399 Mushroom Hydnum Repandum additem 399 additem hydnumrepandummushroom spawnitem 399 spawnitem hydnumrepandummushroom removeitem 399 removeitem hydnumrepandummushroom Plants, mixes and seeds Works
400 Mushroom Fly Amanita additem 400 additem flyamanitamushroom spawnitem 400 spawnitem flyamanitamushroom removeitem 400 removeitem flyamanitamushroom Plants, mixes and seeds Works
401 Turtle Egg additem 401 additem turtleegg spawnitem 401 spawnitem turtleegg removeitem 401 removeitem turtleegg Consumables Works
402 Backpack additem 402 additem backpack spawnitem 402 spawnitem backpack removeitem 402 removeitem backpack Hidden Works
403 Rope additem 403 additem rope spawnitem 403 spawnitem rope removeitem 403 removeitem rope Misc Works
404 N/A additem 404 N/A spawnitem 404 N/A removeitem 404 N/A N/A N/A
405 Bone additem 405 additem bone spawnitem 405 spawnitem bone removeitem 405 removeitem bone Misc Works
406 Log 1/4 additem 406 additem quarterlog spawnitem 406 spawnitem quarterlog removeitem 406 removeitem quarterlog Logs Works
407 N/A additem 407 N/A spawnitem 407 N/A removeitem 407 N/A N/A N/A
408 Log 1/2 additem 408 additem halflog spawnitem 408 spawnitem halflog removeitem 408 removeitem halflog Logs Works
409 Log 3/4 additem 409 additem threequarterlog spawnitem 409 spawnitem threequarterlog removeitem 409 removeitem threequarterlog Logs Works
410 Wrist Watch additem 410 additem wristwatch spawnitem 410 spawnitem wristwatch removeitem 410 removeitem wristwatch Misc Works
411 N/A additem 411 N/A spawnitem 411 N/A removeitem 411 N/A N/A N/A
412 Gps Tracker additem 412 additem gpstracker spawnitem 412 spawnitem gpstracker removeitem 412 removeitem gpstracker Misc Works
413 Plasma Lighter additem 413 additem lighter spawnitem 413 spawnitem lighter removeitem 413 removeitem lighter 3D Printed Works
414 Vodka Bottle additem 414 additem vodkabottle spawnitem 414 spawnitem vodkabottle removeitem 414 removeitem vodkabottle Misc Works
415 Cloth additem 415 additem cloth spawnitem 415 spawnitem cloth removeitem 415 removeitem cloth Misc Works
416 Circuit Board additem 416 additem circuitboard spawnitem 416 spawnitem circuitboard removeitem 416 removeitem circuitboard Misc Works
417 Time Bomb additem 417 additem timebomb spawnitem 417 spawnitem timebomb removeitem 417 removeitem timebomb Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
418 Wire additem 418 additem wire spawnitem 418 spawnitem wire removeitem 418 removeitem wire Misc Works
419 Duct tape additem 419 additem ducttape spawnitem 419 spawnitem ducttape removeitem 419 removeitem ducttape Misc Works
420 C4 Brick additem 420 additem c4brick spawnitem 420 spawnitem c4brick removeitem 420 removeitem c4brick Misc Works
421 Ramen Noodles additem 421 additem ramennoodles spawnitem 421 spawnitem ramennoodles removeitem 421 removeitem ramennoodles Consumables Works
422 Repair Tool additem 422 additem repairtool spawnitem 422 spawnitem repairtool removeitem 422 removeitem repairtool Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
423 Book - Sam Sounde Pennant Line additem 423 additem novela spawnitem 423 spawnitem novela removeitem 423 removeitem novela Story N/A
424 Book - Sam Sounde Deep Sleep additem 424 additem novelb spawnitem 424 spawnitem novelb removeitem 424 removeitem novelb Story N/A
425 Crunchie Wunchies additem 425 additem cerealbox spawnitem 425 spawnitem cerealbox removeitem 425 removeitem cerealbox Consumables Works
426 Printed Flask additem 426 additem 3dprintedflask spawnitem 426 spawnitem 3dprintedflask removeitem 426 removeitem 3dprintedflask 3D Printed Works
427 Printed Knife additem 427 additem 3dprintedknife spawnitem 427 spawnitem 3dprintedknife removeitem 427 removeitem 3dprintedknife 3D Printed DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
428 Printed Sled additem 428 additem 3dprintedsled spawnitem 428 spawnitem 3dprintedsled removeitem 428 removeitem 3dprintedsled 3D Printed Works
429 Printed Scuba Mask additem 429 additem 3dprintedscubamask spawnitem 429 spawnitem 3dprintedscubamask removeitem 429 removeitem 3dprintedscubamask 3D Printed DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
430 Skull additem 430 additem skull spawnitem 430 spawnitem skull removeitem 430 removeitem skull Misc Works
431 Firefighter Axe additem 431 additem fireaxe spawnitem 431 spawnitem fireaxe removeitem 431 removeitem fireaxe Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
432 Can Opener additem 432 additem canopener spawnitem 432 spawnitem canopener removeitem 432 removeitem canopener Misc Works
434 Canned Food additem 434 additem cannedfood spawnitem 434 spawnitem cannedfood removeitem 434 removeitem cannedfood Consumables Works
435 Gold Mask additem 435 additem goldmask spawnitem 435 spawnitem goldmask removeitem 435 removeitem goldmask Misc Works
436 Fish additem 436 additem fish spawnitem 436 spawnitem fish removeitem 436 removeitem fish Consumables Works
437 Medicine additem 437 additem pills spawnitem 437 spawnitem pills removeitem 437 removeitem pills Misc Works
438 MRE additem 438 additem mre spawnitem 438 spawnitem mre removeitem 438 removeitem mre Consumables Works
439 Energy Drink additem 439 additem energydrink spawnitem 439 spawnitem energydrink removeitem 439 removeitem energydrink Consumables Works
440 Flare additem 440 additem flare spawnitem 440 spawnitem flare removeitem 440 removeitem flare Misc Works
441 Snack Bar additem 441 additem energybar spawnitem 441 spawnitem energybar removeitem 441 removeitem energybar Snack Bar Works
442 N/A additem 442 N/A spawnitem 442 N/A removeitem 442 N/A N/A N/A
443 Crafted Bow additem 443 additem craftedbow spawnitem 443 spawnitem craftedbow removeitem 443 removeitem craftedbow Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
444 Rebreather additem 444 additem rebreather spawnitem 444 spawnitem rebreather removeitem 444 removeitem rebreather Misc Works
445 Blueberries additem 445 additem blueberries spawnitem 445 spawnitem blueberries removeitem 445 removeitem blueberries Plants, mixes and seeds Works
446 Twinberries additem 446 additem twinberries spawnitem 446 spawnitem twinberries removeitem 446 removeitem twinberries Plants, mixes and seeds Works
447 Salmonberries additem 447 additem salmonberries spawnitem 447 spawnitem salmonberries removeitem 447 removeitem salmonberries Plants, mixes and seeds Works
448 Snowberries additem 448 additem snowberries spawnitem 448 spawnitem snowberries removeitem 448 removeitem snowberries Plants, mixes and seeds Works
449 Devil’s Club additem 449 additem devilsclub spawnitem 449 spawnitem devilsclub removeitem 449 removeitem devilsclub Plants, mixes and seeds Works
450 Horsetail additem 450 additem horsetail spawnitem 450 spawnitem horsetail removeitem 450 removeitem horsetail Plants, mixes and seeds Works
451 Aloe Vera additem 451 additem aloevera spawnitem 451 spawnitem aloevera removeitem 451 removeitem aloevera Plants, mixes and seeds Works
452 Yarrow additem 452 additem yarro spawnitem 452 spawnitem yarro removeitem 452 removeitem yarro Plants, mixes and seeds Works
453 Fireweed additem 453 additem fireweed spawnitem 453 spawnitem fireweed removeitem 453 removeitem fireweed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
454 Arrowleaf additem 454 additem arrowleafbalsamroot spawnitem 454 spawnitem arrowleafbalsamroot removeitem 454 removeitem arrowleafbalsamroot Plants, mixes and seeds Works
455 Health Mix additem 455 additem healthmix spawnitem 455 spawnitem healthmix removeitem 455 removeitem healthmix Plants, mixes and seeds Works
456 Health Mix Plus additem 456 additem healthmixplus spawnitem 456 spawnitem healthmixplus removeitem 456 removeitem healthmixplus Plants, mixes and seeds Works
457 Stun Gun Ammo - Multiple additem 457 additem stungunammobox spawnitem 457 spawnitem stungunammobox removeitem 457 removeitem stungunammobox Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
458 Battery Charger additem 458 additem batterycharger spawnitem 458 spawnitem batterycharger removeitem 458 removeitem batterycharger Misc DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
459 Slingshot additem 459 additem slingshot spawnitem 459 spawnitem slingshot removeitem 459 removeitem slingshot Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
460 Battery Pack additem 460 additem batterypack spawnitem 460 spawnitem batterypack removeitem 460 removeitem batterypack Misc DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
461 Energy Mix additem 461 additem energymix spawnitem 461 spawnitem energymix removeitem 461 removeitem energymix Plants, mixes and seeds Works
462 Energy Mix Plus additem 462 additem energymixplus spawnitem 462 spawnitem energymixplus removeitem 462 removeitem energymixplus Plants, mixes and seeds Works
463 Flippers additem 463 additem flippers spawnitem 463 spawnitem flippers removeitem 463 removeitem flippers Wearables DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
464 Cat Food additem 464 additem catfood spawnitem 464 spawnitem catfood removeitem 464 removeitem catfood Consumables Works
465 Chicory additem 465 additem chicory spawnitem 465 spawnitem chicory removeitem 465 removeitem chicory Plants, mixes and seeds Works
466 Oyster additem 466 additem oyster spawnitem 466 spawnitem oyster removeitem 466 removeitem oyster Consumables Works
467 Album Cover additem 467 additem albumcover spawnitem 467 spawnitem albumcover removeitem 467 removeitem albumcover Story Works
469 Air Canister additem 469 additem aircanister spawnitem 469 spawnitem aircanister removeitem 469 removeitem aircanister Misc Works
470 Airgun Scope additem 470 additem airgunscope spawnitem 470 spawnitem airgunscope removeitem 470 removeitem airgunscope Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
471 Flashlight additem 471 additem flashlight spawnitem 471 spawnitem flashlight removeitem 471 removeitem flashlight Misc Works
472 Hide additem 472 additem deerhide spawnitem 472 spawnitem deerhide removeitem 472 removeitem deerhide Misc Works
473 Leaf Armor additem 473 additem leafarmour spawnitem 473 spawnitem leafarmour removeitem 473 removeitem leafarmour Wearables Works
474 Crafted Spear additem 474 additem craftedspear spawnitem 474 spawnitem craftedspear removeitem 474 removeitem craftedspear Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
475 N/A additem 475 N/A spawnitem 475 N/A removeitem 475 N/A N/A N/A
476 Small Rock additem 476 additem smallrock spawnitem 476 spawnitem smallrock removeitem 476 removeitem smallrock Misc Works
477 Crafted Club additem 477 additem craftedclub spawnitem 477 spawnitem craftedclub removeitem 477 removeitem craftedclub Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
478 Climbing Axe additem 478 additem climbingaxe spawnitem 478 spawnitem climbingaxe removeitem 478 removeitem climbingaxe Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
479 Feather additem 479 additem feather spawnitem 479 spawnitem feather removeitem 479 removeitem feather Misc Works
480 Severed Arm additem 480 additem severedarm spawnitem 480 spawnitem severedarm removeitem 480 removeitem severedarm Misc Works - Can also use spawnitem arm
481 Severed Leg additem 481 additem severedleg spawnitem 481 spawnitem severedleg removeitem 481 removeitem severedleg Misc Works - Can also use spawnitem leg
482 Severed Head additem 482 additem severedhead spawnitem 482 spawnitem severedhead removeitem 482 removeitem severedhead Misc Works - Can also use spawnitem head
483 Emergency Pack additem 483 additem emergencypack spawnitem 483 spawnitem emergencypack removeitem 483 removeitem emergencypack Consumables Works
484 Leaf additem 484 additem leaf spawnitem 484 spawnitem leaf removeitem 484 removeitem leaf Misc Works
485 Shovel additem 485 additem shovel spawnitem 485 spawnitem shovel removeitem 485 removeitem shovel Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
486 Walkie-Talkie additem 486 additem walkietalkie spawnitem 486 spawnitem walkietalkie removeitem 486 removeitem walkietalkie Misc Works
487 Silk Pajamas additem 487 additem silkpyjamas spawnitem 487 spawnitem silkpyjamas removeitem 487 removeitem silkpyjamas Wearables Works
488 Blue T-shirt additem 488 additem bluetshirt spawnitem 488 spawnitem bluetshirt removeitem 488 removeitem bluetshirt Wearables DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
489 Tactical Pants additem 489 additem tacticalpants spawnitem 489 spawnitem tacticalpants removeitem 489 removeitem tacticalpants Wearables Works
490 Hoodie additem 490 additem hoodie spawnitem 490 spawnitem hoodie removeitem 490 removeitem hoodie Wearables Works
491 Blazer (Old Jacket) additem 491 additem oldjacket spawnitem 491 spawnitem oldjacket removeitem 491 removeitem oldjacket Wearables Works
492 Tuxedo additem 492 additem tuxedo spawnitem 492 spawnitem tuxedo removeitem 492 removeitem tuxedo Wearables Works
493 Leather Jacket additem 493 additem leatherjacket spawnitem 493 spawnitem leatherjacket removeitem 493 removeitem leatherjacket Wearables Works
494 Bone Armor additem 494 additem bonearmour spawnitem 494 spawnitem bonearmour removeitem 494 removeitem bonearmour Wearables Works
495 Tactical Jacket additem 495 additem tacticaljacket spawnitem 495 spawnitem tacticaljacket removeitem 495 removeitem tacticaljacket Wearables Works
496 Money or Cash additem 496 additem money spawnitem 496 spawnitem money removeitem 496 removeitem money Misc Works
497 Food Tray additem 497 additem foodtray spawnitem 497 spawnitem foodtray removeitem 497 removeitem foodtray Consumables DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
498 N/A additem 498 N/A spawnitem 498 N/A removeitem 498 N/A N/A N/A
499 Wetsuit additem 499 additem wetsuit spawnitem 499 spawnitem wetsuit removeitem 499 removeitem wetsuit Wearables Works
500 Puffy Jacket or Winter Jacket additem 500 additem puffyjacket spawnitem 500 spawnitem puffyjacket removeitem 500 removeitem puffyjacket Wearables Works
501 Tactical Boots additem 501 additem tacticalboots spawnitem 501 spawnitem tacticalboots removeitem 501 removeitem tacticalboots Wearables Works
502 Coins additem 502 additem coins spawnitem 502 spawnitem coins removeitem 502 removeitem coins Misc Works
503 Torch or Firestick or Upgraded Stick additem 503 additem torch spawnitem 503 spawnitem torch removeitem 503 removeitem torch Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
504 Tarp additem 504 additem tarp spawnitem 504 spawnitem tarp removeitem 504 removeitem tarp Misc Works
505 N/A additem 505 N/A spawnitem 505 N/A removeitem 505 N/A N/A N/A
506 Turtle Shell additem 506 additem turtleshell spawnitem 506 spawnitem turtleshell removeitem 506 removeitem turtleshell Misc Works
507 Crafted Arrow additem 507 additem craftedarrow spawnitem 507 spawnitem craftedarrow removeitem 507 removeitem craftedarrow Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
508 Loot Pouch or Skin Pouch additem 508 additem lootpouch spawnitem 508 spawnitem lootpouch removeitem 508 removeitem lootpouch Misc Works
509 Holosprings Pamphlet additem 509 additem holosprings spawnitem 509 spawnitem holosprings removeitem 509 removeitem holosprings Story Works
510 N/A additem 510 N/A spawnitem 510 N/A removeitem 510 N/A N/A N/A
511 Contact Trigger additem 511 additem contacttrigger spawnitem 511 spawnitem contacttrigger removeitem 511 removeitem contacttrigger Hidden DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
512 Food Tray Filled additem 512 additem foodtrayfilled spawnitem 512 spawnitem foodtrayfilled removeitem 512 removeitem foodtrayfilled Consumables DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
513 Springs additem 513 additem springs spawnitem 513 spawnitem springs removeitem 513 removeitem springs Hidden DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
514 Contact Spring Triggers additem 514 additem contactspringtriggers spawnitem 514 spawnitem contactspringtriggers removeitem 514 removeitem contactspringtriggers Hidden DOESN’T WORK - HAS BEEN REMOVED BY DEVS
515 Tutorial Page Basic Building additem 515 additem tutorialpagebasicbuilding spawnitem 515 spawnitem tutorialpagebasicbuilding removeitem 515 removeitem tutorialpagebasicbuilding Hidden Works - but buggy, doesn't have a purpose it seems
516 Tutorial Page Tarp Tent additem 516 additem tutorialpagetarptent spawnitem 516 spawnitem tutorialpagetarptent removeitem 516 removeitem tutorialpagetarptent Hidden N/A
517 Cooking Pot additem 517 additem cookingpot spawnitem 517 spawnitem cookingpot removeitem 517 removeitem cookingpot Hidden DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
518 Paper Target additem 518 additem papertarget spawnitem 518 spawnitem papertarget removeitem 518 removeitem papertarget Misc Works
519 Deer Hide Armor additem 519 additem deerhidearmour spawnitem 519 spawnitem deerhidearmour removeitem 519 removeitem deerhidearmour Wearables Works
520 Textureless Item? additem 520 additem ? spawnitem 520 spawnitem ? removeitem 520 removeitem ? Hidden Has no textures, can be pushed around, no diag names
521 Cave Lighting Email additem 521 additem ? spawnitem 521 spawnitem ? removeitem 521 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
522 Ropegun additem 522 additem ropegun spawnitem 522 spawnitem ropegun removeitem 522 removeitem ropegun Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
523 Zipline Rope additem 523 additem ziplinerope spawnitem 523 spawnitem ziplinerope removeitem 523 removeitem ziplinerope Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works
524 Golf Ball additem 524 additem golfball spawnitem 524 spawnitem golfball removeitem 524 removeitem golfball Misc Works
525 Golf Putter additem 525 additem golfputter spawnitem 525 spawnitem golfputter removeitem 525 removeitem golfputter Weapons, Ammo, & Upgrades Works - Can also use spawnitem putter
526 N/A additem 526 N/A spawnitem 526 N/A removeitem 526 N/A N/A N/A
527 Batteries additem 527 additem batteries spawnitem 527 spawnitem batteries removeitem 527 removeitem batteries Misc Works
528 Mr Puffys Financials additem 528 additem ? spawnitem 528 spawnitem ? removeitem 528 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
529 Gps Locator additem 529 additem gpslocator spawnitem 529 spawnitem gpslocator removeitem 529 removeitem gpslocator Misc Works
530 Building - Drying Rack additem 530 additem blueprintdryingrack spawnitem 530 spawnitem blueprintdryingrack removeitem 530 removeitem blueprintdryingrack Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
531 Building - Stick Chair additem 531 additem blueprintstickchair spawnitem 531 spawnitem blueprintstickchair removeitem 531 removeitem blueprintstickchair Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
532 Building - Stick Bed additem 532 additem blueprintstickbed spawnitem 532 spawnitem blueprintstickbed removeitem 532 removeitem blueprintstickbed Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
533 Building - Weapon Rack additem 533 additem blueprintweaponrack spawnitem 533 spawnitem blueprintweaponrack removeitem 533 removeitem blueprintweaponrack Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
534 Email - Golf Part 1 additem 534 additem ? spawnitem 534 spawnitem ? removeitem 534 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
535 Email - Golf Part 2 additem 535 additem ? spawnitem 535 spawnitem ? removeitem 535 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
536 Email - Golf Part 3 additem 536 additem ? spawnitem 536 spawnitem ? removeitem 536 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
537 Email - Golf - Balls & Clubs Found additem 537 additem ? spawnitem 537 spawnitem ? removeitem 537 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
538 Email - Missing Painting additem 538 additem ? spawnitem 538 spawnitem ? removeitem 538 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
539 Page - Out Demonia additem 539 additem ? spawnitem 539 spawnitem ? removeitem 539 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
540 Page - Crosses Burn Demons additem 540 additem ? spawnitem 540 spawnitem ? removeitem 540 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
541 Page - Cube Activates Every 8 Cycles additem 541 additem ? spawnitem 541 spawnitem ? removeitem 541 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
542 Email - Artifact 1 additem 542 additem ? spawnitem 542 spawnitem ? removeitem 542 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
543 Email - Artifact 2 Part 1 additem 543 additem ? spawnitem 543 spawnitem ? removeitem 543 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
544 Email - Artifact 2 Part 2 additem 544 additem ? spawnitem 544 spawnitem ? removeitem 544 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
545 Email - What you're looking for additem 545 additem ? spawnitem 545 spawnitem ? removeitem 545 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
546 Email - Digital Communication additem 546 additem ? spawnitem 546 spawnitem ? removeitem 546 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
547 Page - Safe in Cube additem 547 additem ? spawnitem 547 spawnitem ? removeitem 547 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
548 Page - Stay in the Cube additem 548 additem ? spawnitem 548 spawnitem ? removeitem 548 removeitem ? Story ITEM NAME DOESN'T MATCH IN DIAGRENDERS - USE ID INSTEAD
549 Building - Bone Maker Trap additem 549 additem blueprinttrapbonemaker spawnitem 549 spawnitem blueprinttrapbonemaker removeitem 549 removeitem blueprinttrapbonemaker Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
550 Building - Fly Swatter Trap additem 550 additem blueprinttrapflyswatter spawnitem 550 spawnitem blueprinttrapflyswatter removeitem 550 removeitem blueprinttrapflyswatter Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
551 Building - Small Animal Trap additem 551 additem blueprinttrapsmallanimalcatcher spawnitem 551 spawnitem blueprinttrapsmallanimalcatcher removeitem 551 removeitem blueprinttrapsmallanimalcatcher Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
552 Laser Digital Measurer Tool additem 552 additem ? spawnitem 552 spawnitem ? removeitem 552 removeitem ? Hidden NAME CANNOT BE FOUND - USE ID INSTEAD
553 Tech Mesh additem 553 additem techmesh spawnitem 553 spawnitem techmesh removeitem 553 removeitem techmesh Misc Works
554 Tech Armor additem 554 additem techarmour spawnitem 554 spawnitem techarmour removeitem 554 removeitem techarmour Wearables Works
555 Track Suit additem 555 additem virginiatracksuit spawnitem 555 spawnitem virginiatracksuit removeitem 555 removeitem virginiatracksuit Wearables Works
558 Camouflage Suit additem 558 additem virginiacamosuit spawnitem 558 spawnitem virginiacamosuit removeitem 558 removeitem virginiacamosuit Wearables Works
559 Printed Arrow Heads additem 559 additem 3dprintedarrowheads spawnitem 559 spawnitem 3dprintedarrowheads removeitem 559 removeitem 3dprintedarrowheads 3D Printed DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
560 Printed Grappling Hook additem 560 additem 3dprintedgrapplinghook spawnitem 560 spawnitem 3dprintedgrapplinghook removeitem 560 removeitem 3dprintedgrapplinghook 3D Printed Works
561 Printed Flower Pot additem 561 additem 3dprintedflowerpot spawnitem 561 spawnitem 3dprintedflowerpot removeitem 561 removeitem 3dprintedflowerpot 3D Printed DOESN’T WORK - NEVER DID
562 Holoville Notice A additem 562 additem holovillenoticea spawnitem 562 spawnitem holovillenoticea removeitem 562 removeitem holovillenoticea Story Works - but buggy, doesn't have a purpose it seems
563 Holoville Notice B additem 563 additem holovillenoticeb spawnitem 563 spawnitem holovillenoticeb removeitem 563 removeitem holovillenoticeb Story Works - but buggy, doesn't have a purpose it seems
564 Holoville Notice C additem 564 additem holovillenoticec spawnitem 564 spawnitem holovillenoticec removeitem 564 removeitem holovillenoticec Story Works - but buggy, doesn't have a purpose it seems
565 Holoville Notice D additem 565 additem holovillenoticed spawnitem 565 spawnitem holovillenoticed removeitem 565 removeitem holovillenoticed Story Works - but buggy, doesn't have a purpose it seems
566 Maintenance Key additem 566 additem keycardmaintenance spawnitem 566 spawnitem keycardmaintenance removeitem 566 removeitem keycardmaintenance Keys Works
567 Guest Key additem 567 additem keycardguest spawnitem 567 spawnitem keycardguest removeitem 567 removeitem keycardguest Keys Works
568 VIP Key additem 568 additem keycardvip spawnitem 568 spawnitem keycardvip removeitem 568 removeitem keycardvip Keys Works
569 Brain Bite additem 569 additem foodcubebrain spawnitem 569 spawnitem foodcubebrain removeitem 569 removeitem foodcubebrain Consumables Works
570 Steak Bite additem 570 additem foodcubesteak spawnitem 570 spawnitem foodcubesteak removeitem 570 removeitem foodcubesteak Consumables Works
571 Steak and Bacon Bite additem 571 additem foodcubesteakandbacon spawnitem 571 spawnitem foodcubesteakandbacon removeitem 571 removeitem foodcubesteakandbacon Consumables Works
572 Golden Armor additem 572 additem goldenarmour spawnitem 572 spawnitem goldenarmour removeitem 572 removeitem goldenarmour Wearables Works - Sinks through the floor
573 Sleeping Bag additem 573 additem sleepingbag spawnitem 573 spawnitem sleepingbag removeitem 573 removeitem sleepingbag Misc Works
574 Book - Eric LeBlanc Rescued additem 574 additem novelc spawnitem 574 spawnitem novelc removeitem 574 removeitem novelc Story Works
575 Book - Timmy LeBlanc Universes additem 575 additem noveld spawnitem 575 spawnitem noveld removeitem 575 removeitem noveld Story Works
576 Log Plank 1/4 additem 576 additem quarterlogplank spawnitem 576 spawnitem quarterlogplank removeitem 576 removeitem quarterlogplank Logs Works
577 Log Plank Quarter 2x additem 577 additem halflogplank spawnitem 577 spawnitem halflogplank removeitem 577 removeitem halflogplank Logs Works
578 Log Plank Quarter 3x additem 578 additem threequarterlogplank spawnitem 578 spawnitem threequarterlogplank removeitem 578 removeitem threequarterlogplank Logs Works
579 Building - Bone Chair additem 579 additem blueprintbonechair spawnitem 579 spawnitem blueprintbonechair removeitem 579 removeitem blueprintbonechair Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
580 N/A additem 580 N/A spawnitem 580 N/A removeitem 580 N/A N/A N/A
581 Building - Bird House additem 581 additem blueprintbirdhouse spawnitem 581 spawnitem blueprintbirdhouse removeitem 581 removeitem blueprintbirdhouse Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
582 Building - Fish Trap additem 582 additem blueprintfishtrap spawnitem 582 spawnitem blueprintfishtrap removeitem 582 removeitem blueprintfishtrap Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
583 Building - Storage Box additem 583 additem blueprintstoragebox spawnitem 583 spawnitem blueprintstoragebox removeitem 583 removeitem blueprintstoragebox Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
584 Building - Armor Rack additem 584 additem blueprintarmorrack spawnitem 584 spawnitem blueprintarmorrack removeitem 584 removeitem blueprintarmorrack Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
585 Building - Scarecrow additem 585 additem blueprintscarecrow spawnitem 585 spawnitem blueprintscarecrow removeitem 585 removeitem blueprintscarecrow Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
586 Building - Wall Planter additem 586 additem blueprintwallplanter spawnitem 586 spawnitem blueprintwallplanter removeitem 586 removeitem blueprintwallplanter Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
587 Building - Standing Planter additem 587 additem blueprintstandingplanter spawnitem 587 spawnitem blueprintstandingplanter removeitem 587 removeitem blueprintstandingplanter Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
588 Building - Bone Chandelier additem 588 additem blueprintbonechandelier spawnitem 588 spawnitem blueprintbonechandelier removeitem 588 removeitem blueprintbonechandelier Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
589 Survival Guide additem 589 additem survivalguide spawnitem 589 spawnitem survivalguide removeitem 589 removeitem survivalguide Hidden NAME CANNOT BE FOUND - USE ID INSTEAD
590 Radio (Stereo) additem 590 additem radio spawnitem 590 spawnitem radio removeitem 590 removeitem radio Misc Works
591 Building - Small Log Cabin additem 591 additem blueprintsmalllogcabin spawnitem 591 spawnitem blueprintsmalllogcabin removeitem 591 removeitem blueprintsmalllogcabin Hidden Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
592 Creepy Skin additem 592 additem creepyskin spawnitem 592 spawnitem creepyskin removeitem 592 removeitem creepyskin Hidden Works, but doesn’t go in hand or inv
593 Creepy Armor additem 593 additem creepyarmour spawnitem 593 spawnitem creepyarmour removeitem 593 removeitem creepyarmour Wearables Works
594 Guarana Berries additem 594 additem guaranaberries spawnitem 594 spawnitem guaranaberries removeitem 594 removeitem guaranaberries Plants, mixes and seeds Works
595 Blackberries additem 595 additem blackberries spawnitem 595 spawnitem blackberries removeitem 595 removeitem blackberries Plants, mixes and seeds Works
596 Aloe Vera Seed additem 596 additem aloeveraseed spawnitem 596 spawnitem aloeveraseed removeitem 596 removeitem aloeveraseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
597 Arrowleaf Seed additem 597 additem arrowleafseed spawnitem 597 spawnitem arrowleafseed removeitem 597 removeitem arrowleafseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
598 Blackberry Seed additem 598 additem blackberryseed spawnitem 598 spawnitem blackberryseed removeitem 598 removeitem blackberryseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
599 Blueberry Seed additem 599 additem blueberryseed spawnitem 599 spawnitem blueberryseed removeitem 599 removeitem blueberryseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
600 Devil’s Club Seed additem 600 additem devilsclubseed spawnitem 600 spawnitem devilsclubseed removeitem 600 removeitem devilsclubseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
601 Fireweed Seed additem 601 additem fireweedseed spawnitem 601 spawnitem fireweedseed removeitem 601 removeitem fireweedseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
602 Guarana Seed additem 602 additem guaranaseed spawnitem 602 spawnitem guaranaseed removeitem 602 removeitem guaranaseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
603 Horsetail Seed additem 603 additem horsetailseed spawnitem 603 spawnitem horsetailseed removeitem 603 removeitem horsetailseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
604 Salmonberry Seed additem 604 additem salmonberryseed spawnitem 604 spawnitem salmonberryseed removeitem 604 removeitem salmonberryseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
605 Chicory Seed additem 605 additem chicoryseed spawnitem 605 spawnitem chicoryseed removeitem 605 removeitem chicoryseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
606 Yarro Seed additem 606 additem yarroseed spawnitem 606 spawnitem yarroseed removeitem 606 removeitem yarroseed Plants, mixes and seeds Works
607 Building - Rock Storage additem 607 additem blueprintrockstorage spawnitem 607 spawnitem blueprintrockstorage removeitem 607 removeitem blueprintrockstorage Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
608 Building - Bone Storage additem 608 additem blueprintbonestorage spawnitem 608 spawnitem blueprintbonestorage removeitem 608 removeitem blueprintbonestorage Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
609 Building - Log Storage additem 609 additem blueprintlogstorage spawnitem 609 spawnitem blueprintlogstorage removeitem 609 removeitem blueprintlogstorage Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
610 Building - Stick Storage additem 610 additem blueprintstickstorage spawnitem 610 spawnitem blueprintstickstorage removeitem 610 removeitem blueprintstickstorage Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
611 Page - Numbers Translation additem 611 additem numbersprintout spawnitem 611 spawnitem numbersprintout removeitem 611 removeitem numbersprintout Story Works
612 Page - Missing CEO additem 612 additem newspapercutout spawnitem 612 spawnitem newspapercutout removeitem 612 removeitem newspapercutout Story Works
613 Page - Puffcorp Outbids Sahara additem 613 additem newspapercutoutoutbid spawnitem 613 spawnitem newspapercutoutoutbid removeitem 613 removeitem newspapercutoutoutbid Story Works
614 Email - Government A additem 614 additem emailprintoutgovernmenta spawnitem 614 spawnitem emailprintoutgovernmenta removeitem 614 removeitem emailprintoutgovernmenta Story Works
615 Email - Government B additem 615 additem emailprintoutgovernmentb spawnitem 615 spawnitem emailprintoutgovernmentb removeitem 615 removeitem emailprintoutgovernmentb Story Works
616 Email - Government C additem 616 additem emailprintoutgovernmentc spawnitem 616 spawnitem emailprintoutgovernmentc removeitem 616 removeitem emailprintoutgovernmentc Story Works
617 Page - Stock Price Chart additem 617 additem stockpriceprintout spawnitem 617 spawnitem stockpriceprintout removeitem 617 removeitem stockpriceprintout Story Works
618 Printed Arrow additem 618 additem 3dprintedarrow spawnitem 618 spawnitem 3dprintedarrow removeitem 618 removeitem 3dprintedarrow 3D Printed Works
619 Swim Suit additem 619 additem virginiaswimsuit spawnitem 619 spawnitem virginiaswimsuit removeitem 619 removeitem virginiaswimsuit Wearables Works
620 Building - Table additem 620 additem blueprinttable spawnitem 620 spawnitem blueprinttable removeitem 620 removeitem blueprinttable Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
621 Building - Shelf additem 621 additem blueprintshelf spawnitem 621 spawnitem blueprintshelf removeitem 621 removeitem blueprintshelf Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
622 Building - Rock Path additem 622 additem blueprintrockpath spawnitem 622 spawnitem blueprintrockpath removeitem 622 removeitem blueprintrockpath Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
623 Building - Wall Shelf additem 623 additem blueprintwallshelf spawnitem 623 spawnitem blueprintwallshelf removeitem 623 removeitem blueprintwallshelf Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
624 Building - Wall Torch additem 624 additem blueprintwalltorch spawnitem 624 spawnitem blueprintwalltorch removeitem 624 removeitem blueprintwalltorch Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
625 Building - Hanging Skull Light additem 625 additem blueprinthangingskulllight spawnitem 625 spawnitem blueprinthangingskulllight removeitem 625 removeitem blueprinthangingskulllight Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
626 Glider additem 626 additem glider spawnitem 626 spawnitem glider removeitem 626 removeitem glider Misc Works
627 N/A additem 627 N/A spawnitem 627 N/A removeitem 627 N/A N/A N/A
628 N/A additem 628 N/A spawnitem 628 N/A removeitem 628 N/A N/A N/A
629 Building - Rain Catcher additem 629 additem blueprintraincatcher spawnitem 629 spawnitem blueprintraincatcher removeitem 629 removeitem blueprintraincatcher Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
630 Knight V additem 630 additem knightv spawnitem 630 spawnitem knightv removeitem 630 removeitem knightv Misc Works
631 Book The Realm Beyond additem 631 additem novelf spawnitem 631 spawnitem novelf removeitem 631 removeitem novelf Story Works
632 Building - Spring Trap additem 632 additem blueprintspringtrap spawnitem 632 spawnitem blueprintspringtrap removeitem 632 removeitem blueprintspringtrap Buildings Spawns Drying Rack Photo Placeholder
633 Cult Pamphlet additem 633 additem cultpamphlet spawnitem 633 spawnitem cultpamphlet removeitem 633 removeitem cultpamphlet Story Works
634 Solar Panel additem 634 additem solarpanel spawnitem 634 spawnitem solarpanel removeitem 634 removeitem solarpanel Buildings Works
635 Light Bulb additem 635 additem lightbulb spawnitem 635 spawnitem lightbulb removeitem 635 removeitem lightbulb Buildings Works
636 N/A additem 636 N/A spawnitem 636 N/A removeitem 636 N/A N/A N/A
637 N/A additem 637 N/A spawnitem 637 N/A removeitem 637 N/A N/A N/A
638 N/A additem 638 N/A spawnitem 638 N/A removeitem 638 N/A N/A N/A
639 N/A additem 639 N/A spawnitem 639 N/A removeitem 639 N/A N/A N/A
640 N/A additem 640 N/A spawnitem 640 N/A removeitem 640 N/A N/A N/A
641 N/A additem 641 N/A spawnitem 641 N/A removeitem 641 N/A N/A N/A
642 N/A additem 642 N/A spawnitem 642 N/A removeitem 642 N/A N/A N/A
643 N/A additem 643 N/A spawnitem 643 N/A removeitem 643 N/A N/A N/A
644 N/A additem 644 N/A spawnitem 644 N/A removeitem 644 N/A N/A N/A
645 N/A additem 645 N/A spawnitem 645 N/A removeitem 645 N/A N/A N/A
646 N/A additem 646 N/A spawnitem 646 N/A removeitem 646 N/A N/A N/A
647 N/A additem 647 N/A spawnitem 647 N/A removeitem 647 N/A N/A N/A
648 N/A additem 648 N/A spawnitem 648 N/A removeitem 648 N/A N/A N/A
649 N/A additem 649 N/A spawnitem 649 N/A removeitem 649 N/A N/A N/A
650 N/A additem 650 N/A spawnitem 650 N/A removeitem 650 N/A N/A N/A
N/A N/A additem ? additem virginiadress spawnitem spawnitem virginiadress removeitem removeitem virginiadress Wearables Only Virginia can wear this
N/A N/A additem ? additem virginialeathersuit spawnitem spawnitem virginialeathersuit removeitem removeitem virginialeathersuit Wearables Only Virginia can wear this

Remove all items[edit | edit source]

  • Most unique items in the game will no longer respawn once the player picks them up. Removing all items can be helpful for getting them to respawn again for recording a tutorial for example.
  • In the game, using removeallitems and removeallstoryitems doesn't actually remove all the items.
  • If you wish to remove every single item, then you will need to use the following commands as well, as these appear to be exempt from the main two commands.
Item Remove by ID Remove by name
Can Opener removeitem 432 removeitem canopener
Repair Tool removeitem 422 removeitem repairtool
Maintenance Key removeitem 566 removeitem keycardmaintenance
Guest Key removeitem 567 removeitem keycardguest
VIP Key removeitem 568 removeitem keycardvip
Book - Sam Sounde Pennant Line removeitem 423 removeitem novela
Book - Sam Sounde Deep Sleep removeitem 424 removeitem novelb
Book - Eric LeBlanc Rescued removeitem 574 removeitem novelc
Book - Timmy LeBlanc Universes removeitem 575 removeitem noveld
Book The Realm Beyond removeitem 631 removeitem novelf
Album Cover removeitem 467 removeitem albumcover
Holosprings Pamphlet removeitem 509 removeitem holosprings
Cult Pamphlet removeitem 633 removeitem cultpamphlet

If you wish to take it a step further and remove the starting items, then do the following:

Item Remove by ID Remove by name
Tactical Axe removeitem 379 removeitem tacticalaxe
Plasma Lighter removeitem 413 removeitem lighter
Survival Guide removeitem 589 NO NAME, USE ID INSTEAD
Combat Knife removeitem 380 removeitem combatknife
Gps Tracker removeitem 412 removeitem gpstracker

If you want to undo all these ones, just add the emergency pack back in:

  • additem 483
  • additem emergencypack
  • spawnitem 483
  • spawnitem emergencypack