The Holey is a type of mutant added in the Full Game release of Sons of the Forest
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
Holeys appear as a towering, stocky mass of flesh covered in a multitude of orifices it seemingly uses to breathe, mounted on a set of three short, stocky legs. It produces guttural noises.
Being able to inflict devastating damages to both the player and structures and possessing the largest health pool out of all of the regular enemies of the game, player should constantly keep an eye on them and observe for any telegraph of its leap and charge attacks. Attempting close-quarter combat with a Holey is generaly a risky move, as it can swing its whole body at the player and unexpectedly attempt to charge. Despite its advantage in brute force, the Holey is otherwise a very slow and sluggish enemy. The most ideal moment to attack is after a leap attack, when it will struggle for several seconds to get back on its feet thanks to its lack of upper limbs and top-heavy composure.