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Disambig.svg For entrances to bunkers, see Bunkers.
Cave Icon.png

Caves are a primary point of interest in Sons of the Forest, making their return from The Forest. Exploration yields loot, outfits, weapons, and utility items, lore snippets, and progresses the story. There are a total of nine marked caves that appear on the GPS.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Once caves are opened (destroying planks covering the entrance), mutants can begin spawning on the surface. Building near cave entrances eventually becomes very dangerous, as mutants begin to spawn in highest quantity near the caves as the days progress. After killing enemies, at least 2 mutants naturally respawn in the area each day.

Creepy takeovers of cannibal villages will begin occurring after at least one cave has been opened.

Beach/Rebreather Cave Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the cave in on the beach close to the beach crash site. Exits out into the ocean.
Notable loot:

Enemies: [1][2]

Lakeside/Rope Gun Cave Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

Entrance is immediately uphill from forest crash site.
Notable loot:

  • Rope Gun
  • Cross
  • Ammo Cases
  • Arrow Cases
  • Explosives Cases
  • Flare Cases
  • Medicine Cases
  • Wooden Crates
  • Stun Baton (very close to the cave entrance; amongst a pile of skulls, right next to where the lake drains into a stream.)

Enemies: [1][2]

Flooded/Shovel Cave Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

The entrance is at the confluence of two rivers down from the mountain crash site. Once inside the player is greeted with untraversable wall of stalagmites with a zipline that leads over them. Accessing the rest of cave requires the Rope Gun. Following this, large sections of the cave is fully flooded and requires the Rebreather.
Notable loot:

Enemies: [1][2]

Lake/Golden Armor Cave Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the cave is cut into the rock face next to the second largest lake by surface area. Right by the entrance a couple of cultists lay dead next to a book. Inside lies a flooded section that requires the Rebreather for further access.
Notable loot:

Enemies: [1][2]

Frozen Lake Grotto Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

Entrance is uphill from the mountain crash site Icon-Map-2.png Following the stream upriver from the crash site lead directly to the frozen lake. On the ice, lies a broken sled; two abandoned tents Check on map flank the cave's exposed entrance. Inside the icy cavern lies three skeletal remains with another broken down sled.
Notable loot:

Mountainside Grotto Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

The opening to the icy grotto lies exposed on the slope of the mountain. Outside are two broken down sleds and inside the cave lies the skeletal remain of a person. Hiking slightly up above the cave will lead to an abandoned survey campsite with 3 tents and a frozen corpse. Notable loot:

Mountaintop Lake Grotto Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

The entrance is next to the frozen lake atop the mountain.
Notable loot:

Large Lake Grotto Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

Small grotto next to the largest lake on the The Island.
Notable loot:

Pond Grotto Icon-Map-4.png[edit | edit source]

Small opening next to a large pond. Inside a skeleton sits on a couch.
Notable loot:

  • Wooden Crates

Hell Cave[edit | edit source]

Access is through the luxury cave. The cave is unmarked in the map.
Enemies: [1][2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The number of enemies inside caves is scaled based on the numbers of days passed in the world; however, this initially led to an excessive number of enemies inside caves. This was fixed after the first two patches to cap off after a certain number of enemies.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The range shows the minimum to maximum enemies encountered depending on the chosen game difficulty.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The enemy count is only applicable for the first 7 in-game days. The number of enemies and types encountered will become increasingly harder as time progresses.
  3. The appearance of the shark is independent of the difficulty chosen.