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Disambig.svg For similar pages, see Bunkers and Grottos.
Rebreather CaveRope Gun CaveShovel CaveAncient Armor CavePickaxe CaveArtifact CaveHell Cave
Interactive image, hover over to see the names.

Caves are a primary point of interest in Sons of the Forest, making their return from The Forest. Exploration yields loot, outfits, weapons, and utility items, lore snippets, and progresses the story. There are a total of nine marked caves that appear on the GPS.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Once caves are opened (destroying planks covering the entrance), mutants can begin spawning on the surface. Building near cave entrances eventually becomes very dangerous, as mutants begin to spawn in highest quantity near the caves as the days progress. After killing enemies, at least 2 mutants naturally respawn in the area each day.

Creepy takeovers of cannibal villages will begin occurring after at least one cave has been opened.

Rebreather Cave[edit | edit source]

This is fork like Cave and in one end you can find the Stun Gun and Leather Jacket. And in the other there is Rebreather with water exit, but be aware of the Shark swimming in it and waiting to bite your leg if you recklessly jump into the water. Instead throw him one of the severed limbs that lay around and wait until he starts munching on it, than you can safely swim near him.

Shovel Cave[edit | edit source]

The entrance is at the confluence of two rivers down from the mountain crash site. Once inside the player is greeted with untraversable wall of stalagmites with a zipline that leads over them. Accessing the rest of cave requires the Rope Gun. Following this, large sections of the cave is fully flooded and requires the Rebreather.

Ancient Armor Cave[edit | edit source]

The entrance to the cave is cut into the rock face next to the second largest lake by surface area. Right by the entrance a couple of cultists lay dead next to a book. Inside lies a flooded section that requires the Rebreather for further access.

Pickaxe Cave[edit | edit source]

Artifact Cave[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Cave Icon.png

Update history[edit | edit source]

Version Changes
Patch 01
  • Fixed opening a cave in late game having too many enemies
  • Volume fix for cave visuals disabling when navigating into some corners of caves
  • Fixed the cave shark eating severed limbs looking broken
  • Fixed some cave entrance bat scare spawn locations
Patch 02
  • Added new demon boss to end of hell caves
  • New cave system added
  • Moved gold armor to new cave system
  • Added additional wakeup locations in hell cave
  • Fixed some cases of trees vanishing when walking over some parts of map above caves
  • Fixed issue where you could die when going down cave slides
Patch 03
  • Adjusted creepy spawning logic in caves, should no longer visibly spawn and should not lead to over the top amounts of enemies in caves over time
  • Added shimmy area after boss fight in hell cave
  • Made it possible to leave hell cave if reentering it after completing game
  • Rope climb trigger for caves is now accessible from a wider angle
  • Fixed some areas players could get stuck in hell cave
Patch 04
  • Crafted spears no longer fall through cave floors
Patch 05
  • Timmy will now block the exit to hell cave until after you have defeated the boss demon
  • Can no longer drink lava
  • Fixed under lava visuals
  • Fixed the cave shark sometimes being killed by creepies
Patch 06
  • Visual and audio improvements to steady water drip FX in caves
  • Improvements and fixes to Lava sound and visuals
  • Fixed dead bodies in beach cave floating in multiplayer games when host player is not in the cave
  • Fixed stumps not appearing outside after loading a save game inside a bunker or cave
Patch 07
  • Added some small cannibal camps to cave D
  • Visual fixes for cave entrances : shimmering density, seeing through entrance from distance
  • Improved lava impact visual
  • Added additional ammo and health pickups to corridor before gold room
Patch 08
  • Basalt rocks added to caves merged collision meshes
  • Bunker and Cave entrances optimized
  • Made cave entrance audio have random start times so they're unlikely to phase
Patch 08 - Hotfix 2
  • Fixed water in cave d not rendering correctly
Patch 09
  • Creepies will no longer be focused around cave entrances in late game after loading a save. They should now be distributed around a larger area
  • Collisions on light blockers for cave entrances removed (could block actions)
  • Fix for underwater controller thinking it's still in a water volume when trigger is disabled fixes underwater rendering that could happen in lava cave under certain conditions
  • Cave B dead wakeup inventory bag locations fixed
  • Fix for Lava Streams not damaging players
Patch 11
  • Added new cave A extension area
  • Added new ? item to new cave A extension
  • Cave C entrance groups reworked to have less active objects above ground
  • Fixed various multiplayer synchronization issues with the Cave B and Cave C Sluggies
  • Fixed cave shark not spawning on low animal setting
Patch 12
  • You can now mine the Solafite mineral found in caves
  • Added new cave
  • New hanging cross, gore props and cave roots added to cave A and cave F
  • Fixed some issues with Sluggy sound in cave C
Patch 13
  • Complete re-work of cave D (and added some surprises)
  • Added extension to cave B
  • Some details and tweaks to cave b
  • Small wood bridge added over jump area in hell cave
  • Added missing rocks to hell cave merged collision to stop enemies occasionally falling through floor
  • Some improvements to cave A detailing
  • Merged collision meshes for cave and bunker transition groups and ice caves
  • Dynamic hanging skull lights added to some caves
  • Fixed some breakable cave boards being misaligned on clients
  • Fixed issue that if the player is already wearing the gold armor, and it is then forced on from the gold room or hell door cutscenes, it would be permanently visually stuck on
Patch 13 - Hotfix 1
  • Improved visibility of light leading the way to cave b extension
  • Removed aipause, aighost and cavelight from release builds
Patch 13 - Hotfix 2
  • Fixed some issues with planks in cave B not being disabled correctly
  • Re-added cave light debug command but with new visual settings that don’t break cave visuals
Patch 14
  • New small cave added to map
  • Extended and detailed the 3 ice caves
Patch 15
  • Tons more ammo added to end of hell cave to help prepare for end boss
  • Cave D added more set dressing to make path out clearer
  • Fix for dark density volume in Ice Cave C
  • Ambient cracking ice sound added to ice caves
Full Game release
  • Added proximity voice chat with filters for in caves & underwater along with adding additional filtering to the walkie talkie
  • Added new world details, more paths, partially dug tunnels by excavators, new Jianyu camps, 14 new mini caves and cellars and many other environment tweaks and updates
  • Revised hell cave door opening, will now require additional steps to open
  • Added NPC Timmy to hell cave
  • Added new cave (unlocks after end game sequence)
  • Hell cave lava, lighting, effects, details and audio re-worked and improved
  • Improved some areas in Cave D where players were getting stuck
  • Solar panels cannot be placed anymore in occluded areas (underground cellars)
  • Improved nav mesh for hell cave
  • Removed extra locator on GPS for cave F
  • Cave entrance bat flocks can happen at any time of day now
  • Added a flashing Exclamation mark and bright red light to discoverable laptops
  • Required Items UI for structures is now hidden when the player is in caves or bunkers
  • Improved some spittle layout in caves
  • Smaller cave icons on GPS
  • Adjusted the enemy spawns in some caves and bunkers
  • Increased volume of bats
  • Added new Hell cave audio and reverb snapshot
  • Made mutants in caves footsteps louder, made cave wind louder
  • Added events for moving structures and changed reverb on in cave objects
Full Game - Hotfix 1
  • Reduced volume of bat audio
Full Game - Small Patch 1
  • Fixed a bug when trying to sled in ice caves
  • Increased cooldown on bat scare inside caves
  • Fix for some holes in Cave C collision meshes
  • Removed a few trees in rocks above Cave B entrance
Full Game - Small Patch 3
  • Fix for lake water bouyancy being disabled when host enters a cave
  • CaveC water volumes will now be enabled when client is inside cave and host is outside
  • CaveD gold environment assets will now have collision enabled for ai when client is in cave and host is outside of the cave

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 The range shows the minimum to maximum enemies encountered depending on the chosen game difficulty.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 The enemy count is only applicable for the first 7 in-game days. The number of enemies and types encountered will become increasingly harder as time progresses.
  3. The appearance of the Shark is independent of the difficulty chosen.
  4. 4.0 4.1 The appearance of the Sluggy is independent of the difficulty chosen.
  5. On middle staked up dead mercenary at the cave's entrance.
  6. Teleport only after going inside bunker. When teleporting from the surface you will fall thru the map.