Modern Axe

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Overview[edit | edit source]

The Modern Axe in Sons of the Forest is a powerful melee weapon and an efficient tool for chopping down trees. It deals high damage but has a slower swing weapons. You can find it at a small campsite located southwest of Maintenance A, embedded in a corpse next to a tent. This axe is perfect for both combat and Log gathering, making it a valuable asset early in the game.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The Modern Axe is excellent for both combat and logging. Its high damage makes it ideal for fighting stronger enemies, but you’ll need to time your swings due to its slower speed. As a Advanced, it's highly efficient for cutting down trees and gathering Log, making base building quicker and easier.

Tips & Tricks[edit | edit source]

  • Use the Modern Axe’s strong block capability in combat to defend against incoming attacks before counterattacking with its powerful swings.
  • For building, this axe significantly reduces the time needed to gather wood compared to the Tactical Axe.
  • You can add the Solafite Plating to enhance both the visuals and damage output.

Worth it?[edit | edit source]

Yes, the Modern Axe is one of the best all-around tools in the game. Its slow speed is easily compensated by its damage and utility in both combat and building, making it an essential item for players looking to survive and thrive on the island.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Modern Axe Pickup.webp

Updates[edit | edit source]

No. Version Changes
1. Patch 02 •  Fixed fire axe and modern axe hitting metal sounding like hitting flesh
2. Patch 03 •  Dismembering dead characters with melee is now easier