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Template-info.svg Documentation

Usage[edit source]

Default usage: {{Bunkers|number}}

Advanced usage: {{Bunkers|number|Custom name}}

Example[edit source]

Default usage
{{Bunkers|1}} Food and Dining Bunker
Advanced usage
{{Bunkers|1|Crossbow Bunker}} Crossbow Bunker

Description[edit source]

This template allows you to create quick links with customized names to Bunkers tabs. Keep in mind that this template needs to be used as shown in Usage, otherwise it won't work.

List[edit source]

All numbers and names
No. Copy & Paste Name
1. {{Bunkers|1}} Food and Dining Bunker
2. {{Bunkers|2}} Entertainment Bunker
3. {{Bunkers|3}} Residential Bunker
4. {{Bunkers|4}} Luxury Bunker
5. {{Bunkers|5}} Maintenance A
6. {{Bunkers|6}} Maintenance B
7. {{Bunkers|7}} Maintenance C