Template:Clean Water

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Maintaining a steady supply of clean water is vital for survival. You need to stay hydrated to maintain stamina, perform basic activities, and ensure overall health and resilience in the game's challenging environment.

Methods to Obtain Clean Water:[edit source]

1. Boiling Water:
To boil water, you need a Cooking Pot, which can be found in various camps and bunkers across the island. Follow these steps:

  • Collect Water: Fill the pot with water from a river or stream.
  • Build a Fire: Gather sticks and use your lighter to start a campfire.
  • Boil the Water: Place the pot on the fire and wait for it to boil. Once the water is boiling, it becomes safe to drink.

2. Using a Rain Catcher:
Rain Catcher are a passive method to collect clean water.

  • Crafting a Rain Catcher: You'll need 12 sticks and a turtle shell. Turtles can be found along the beach, and their shells can be collected after killing them.
  • Collecting Rainwater: Place the rain catcher at your camp. It will fill up during rainfall, providing a source of clean water.

3. Using a Flask:
A Printed Flask allows you to store clean water for later use.

  • Crafting a Flask: Use a 3D printer found in bunkers to create a flask. You’ll need 100ml of printer resin, which can be found in supply crates inside bunkers and caves.

Importance of Clean Water[edit source]

Drinking clean water is essential to avoid health risks associated with contaminated water. Drinking from lakes or ponds can reduce health due to contamination, emphasizing the need to purify water before consumption.

Staying hydrated helps maintain stamina, supports environmental adaptation, and aids in health recovery, making it a crucial aspect of surviving on the island.