Template:Cooked Ramen Noodles

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Cooked Ramen Noodles are a handy and versatile food option, offering both nutritional benefits and ease of preparation. Here's how you can make and use them effectively.

How to prepare the soup:[edit source]

  • Find a Cooking Pot: Locate a cooking pot, which can typically be found in camps scattered around the island.
  • Collect:
    • Ramen Noodles: Pick up ramen noodles whenever possible, mainly found around camps and inside bunkers.
    • Water: Fill the pot with water from a nearby source such as a river or lake.
  • Set Up a Campfire: Gather sticks and stones to build a campfire, then use your lighter to ignite it.
  • Add Ingredients: Place the filled pot on the fire and add ramen noodles to the pot.
  • Cook the noodles: Let the pot boil until the noodles are fully cooked.

Benefits of eating it:[edit source]

These noodles are particularly useful for quick meals that provide essential energy, especially when resources are limited.

  • Hydration: 100% ensuring you stay fully hydrated.
  • Fullness: 75% keeping your hunger levels in check.
  • Healing: 10% negligible but still useful.
  • Warmth Attribute: Increases warmth, helping you survive in cold environments.

Tips & Tricks:[edit source]

  • You can take the soup on your adventures by filling the Printed Flask with it.
  • The Cooking Pot let's you eat any soup up to four times.
  • Soups can also spoil so keep in mind eating them while fresh.