Template:Egg Nog

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Egg Nog is a unique and beneficial recipe that provides moderate hydration and fullness, as well as special attributes. Here’s how to make Egg Nog and why it’s beneficial for your survival.

How to prepare the soup:[edit source]

  • Find a Cooking Pot: Locate a cooking pot, typically found in camps and bunkers around the island.
  • Collect:
    • Turtle Eggs: Gather three turtle eggs from beaches.
    • Vodka Bottle: Collect a bottle of vodka from supply crates or bunkers.
    • Water: Fill the pot with water from a nearby source such as a river or lake.
  • Set Up a Campfire: Gather sticks and stones to build a campfire, then use your lighter to ignite it.
  • Add Ingredients: Place the filled pot on the fire and add the turtle eggs and vodka.
  • Cook the Soup: Let the pot boil until the mixture is fully prepared.

Benefits of eating it:[edit source]

Egg Nog provides moderate hydration and fullness benefits along with unique attributes that aid in survival:

  • Hydration: 50% ensuring you stay hydrated.
  • Fullness: 50% keeping your hunger levels in check.
  • Warmth Attribute: Increases warmth, helping you survive in cold environments.
  • Relax Attribute: Provides a relaxation effect.

Tips & Tricks:[edit source]

  • You can take the soup on your adventures by filling the Printed Flask with it.
  • The Cooking Pot let's you eat any soup up to four times.
  • Soups can also spoil so keep in mind eating them while fresh.