Template:Lumberjack Juice

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Lumberjack Juice is a potent recipe that provides significant hydration, and fullness benefits. Here’s how to make Lumberjack Juice and why it’s beneficial for your survival.

How to prepare the soup:[edit source]

  • Find a Cooking Pot: Locate a cooking pot, typically found in camps and bunkers around the island.
  • Collect:
    • Raw Meat: Gather five pieces of raw meat from hunted animals.
    • Fish: Collect three raw fish from rivers, lakes, or using traps.
    • Meds: Use one unit of medicine from supply crates or camps.
    • Chicory: Gather five chicory plants from the forest.
  • Set Up a Campfire: Gather sticks and stones to build a campfire, then use your lighter to ignite it.
  • Add Ingredients: Place the filled pot on the fire and add the meat, fish, chicory, and medicine.
  • Cook the Lumberjack Juice: Let the pot boil until the mixture is fully prepared.

Benefits of Lumberjack Juice:[edit source]

Lumberjack Juice provides substantial hydration, fullness, and health benefits, making it an essential part of maintaining your character’s well-being:

  • Hydration: 100% ensuring you stay fully hydrated.
  • Fullness: 100% keeping your hunger levels in check.
  • Health: 25% health boost, aiding in recovery from injuries.
  • Strength Attribute: Gives temporary strength boost.
  • Lumberjack Attribute: Helps cutting down trees with less effort.

Tips & Tricks:[edit source]

  • You can take the soup on your adventures by filling the Printed Flask with it.
  • The Cooking Pot let's you eat any soup up to four times.
  • Soups can also spoil so keep in mind eating them while fresh.