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Heads are a type of resource and food item in 'Sons of the Forest'.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Heads are obtained by decapitating Cannibals. When retrieved and stored, heads will always take the appearance of a plain male cannibal with black face paint, regardless of the gender, headgear or actual appearance of the victim.

A severed head can be equipped and brandished before cannibals to cause their fear statistic to raise. The effectiveness of a severed head will vary with each cannibal types, with Muddy Cannibals being very easily scared away while Heavies or Golden-Masked Cannibals will barely be fazed. Otherwise, severed heads can be cooked on a fire and eaten. Leaving a head to burn out on a fire will leave behind a Skull.

Heads can be placed on Custom Effigies and Head Trophy Mount, which are the only structures capable of preserving heads from rotting as they cannot be placed on a Drying Rack.

  • Heads are exclusively obtained by decapitating Muddy Cannibals or regular Cannibals.