Tactical Axe

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Overview[edit | edit source]

The Tactical Axe in Sons of the Forest is a versatile melee weapon and basic survival tool. It’s the starting axe found in your Emergency Pack and is a reliable option for both combat and base building. While it doesn’t deal as much damage as the Modern Axe or the Firefighter Axe, it’s lighter and allows for faster swings, making it useful early in the game.

Usage[edit | edit source]

The Tactical Axe is great for both combat and utility. Its fast swing speed allows for quick attacks, but the damage is relatively low. As a tool, it can chop down trees and gather Log for building, though not as efficiently as stronger axes. The axe also offers a medium block ability, helping you defend against enemy strikes.

Tips & Tricks[edit | edit source]

  • Due to its fast swing speed, you can use the Tactical Axe for quick strikes against weaker enemies. Combine this with blocking to mitigate damage.
  • Consider upgrading to the Modern Axe or Firefighter Axe when available, as they offer better damage and tree-cutting efficiency.

Worth it?[edit | edit source]

Yes, the Tactical Axe is an essential tool in the early game. While it doesn’t excel in any one area, its balance of speed and utility makes it a reliable choice until you can find stronger axes like the Modern or Firefighter Axe.

Updates[edit | edit source]

No. Version Changes
1. Patch 01 •  Fixed a transition to move with Tactical Axe which was preventing attack/block/parry from activating during it
2. Patch 03 •  Dismembering dead characters with melee is now easier