Team B

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The enigmatic helicopter crashes cast a shadow over the island, and players primary mission: is to reunite with the three missing Team B members, whose fate remains a mystery. Amidst the uncertainty, Kelvin emerges as a lone survivor, bearing the scars of the crash in the form of deafness and speechlessness. His silent presence serves as a constant reminder of the challenges we face. Together, we tread deeper into the uncharted wilderness, seeking answers and striving to bring our comrades back alive.

Hanging Mercenary[edit | edit source]

Hanging Mercenary from Team B.png

You will come across a distressing scene as you can find one of your fellow comrade from Team B suspended from a cliff. After severing the rope, the lifeless body will fall, enabling you to conduct a thorough search. Among the recovered items are a Flashlight and a GPS Locator, that will help with survival. Around the whole scene you can find a Rope, Energy Bars and Vodka Bottles. Not losing hope search for other two Team B members.

Check the location on the interactive map: Icon-Map-4.png
Example loot:

Amounts 3 pcs. 2 pcs. 1 pcs.
Click the Icon Vodka Bottle Icon.png Energy Bar Icon.png Flashlight Icon.png Tracker Dart Icon.png Rope Icon.png

• Items and their amounts will wary in each game start.

Floating Mercenary[edit | edit source]

Floating Mercenary from Team B.png

As you approach a drifting raft not far from the coastline, you will be met with a grim sight - another lifeless companion from Team B lies aboard, surrounded by circling sharks. After carefully navigating your way to the raft, you can embark on a thorough search. Among the discoveries are a Pistol, Flares, and a MRE Pack. With these findings in tow, you must now embark on the uncertain journey back to the island. And continue search for last Team B member.

Check the location on the interactive map: Icon-Map-4.png
Example loot:

Amounts 3 pcs. 1 pcs.
Click the Icon Flare Icon.png Pistol Icon.png Tracker Dart Icon.png MRE Pack Icon.png

• Items and their amounts will wary in each game start.

Buried Mercenary[edit | edit source]

Buried Mercenary from Team B.png

After pinpointing the signal emanating from the last GPS Locator, by following its guidance to a cross fashioned from sticks and thrust into the ground. Using a Shovel, you can dig up the body of the last remaining Team B companion. Upon investigating the coffin, you will come across a Shotgun the last GPS Locator and piece of Cloth. This marks the culmination of your quest, as you have now located the last missing member of Team B.

Check the location on the interactive map: Icon-Map-4.png
Example loot:

Amounts 1 pcs.
Click the Icon Shotgun Icon.png Tracker Dart Icon.png Cloth Icon.png

• Items and their amounts will wary in each game start.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It is recommended to visit these places in shown order to maximize efficiency.
  • Worth noting: you must get a Shovel before visiting last place as it needs digging!