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The Fishermen are a religious group of people that arrived on the island in the 1970s and were driven mad

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The Fishermen's Huts

The Fishermen built several Huts and Cabins around the island that contain various Blueprints, Notes and Resources

The Fishermen seemed to write every blueprint found in the Map

The Fishermen Wrote the Notes:

Note 2 - Never Leave the Island

Note 3 - I Haven't Slept in 3 Months

Note 4 - Today is October 18th 1979

Note 5 - City Drawing A

Note 6 - City Drawing B

Note 7 - Artifact Drawing

Note 8 - Wrong Cave

Note 9 - Inversion

and possibly Note 1 - 32:80:90

History[edit | edit source]

The Fishermen arrived on the island sometime in the late 1970s when they arrived they quickly built cabins and villages around the island to live inside. They practiced Christianity, reading Bibles, building Glowing Crosses, and wearing Priest Outfits. However their peaceful life was interrupted upon them seeing visions of a Cube, a Golden City and the Artifact. The Fishermen began searching the caves in hopes of finding the artifact. they slowly were driven mad killing each other drawing disturbing blueprints, and being unable to sleep. The fishermen eventually assembled the artifact but something went wrong, they presumably assembled the artifact without the base causing it to go haywire and start turning them into golden skeletons. The fishermen broke the artifact back into 6 pieces and returned it to the spots it were previously and boarded up the caves containing them, and building crosses along the way. The fishermen were likely split some wanted to find out what went wrong with the artifact and assemble it again, some wanted to find the Cube, and some wanted to stay on the surface like they previously did. One day presumably October 18th 1979 a group of fishermen arrived within the hell cave and found the cube before they could get into it the cube activated, mutating them. The Cube realizing it needed some way of defending its self mutated them into Demons as the perfect defense against people looking for the cube. The group looking to assemble the artifact also mutated into demons because they were deep into Cave D. The groups of Fishermen residing on the surface mutated into Cannibals because they were far away from the Cube and Solafite's power. But because they were very religious they remained weak to crosses and Solafite which they perceived to be a "Holy" Material. Over the decades the demons remained trapped within the depths and the Cannibals devolved into the Muddies we see today.