Stone Arrows

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Stone arrows deal the least damage of any arrow type, but are very easy to acquire a lot of. They are still able to land headshots on enemies, and subsequently one-hit kills on certain types of Cannibals in spite of their low damage, as well as be modified into different types of arrows.

A Stone Arrow modified to explode. The arrow will cause an explosion shortly after impacting a surface or entity, causing high damage. Use caution when firing it at certain enemies that have a tendency to charge at the player, such as some large mutants. As the player can get stuck in the blast radius should the enemy come close enough to them before the arrow detonates.

The explosion renders the arrow irretrievable, making each shot single-use.

A Stone Arrow modified to set things on fire. The player must first ignite the arrow with the lighter after loading it into a bow. (as indicated by an on-screen prompt) When a lit fire arrow impacts a surface or entity, it either create a small area of flames when impacting a surface, or set an entity on fire if it impacts them. Both render the arrow irretrievable, making them single-use items.

Fire arrows can also be shot without lighting them on fire first, which will cause them to behave like a regular arrow. They can be retrieved normally after impacting a surface or entity with their modification still intact.

A Stone Arrow modified to poison what it hits. It is currently unknown what effects poison has on non-player entities.

If a poison arrow is shot and impacts a surface or entity, it can be retrieved like a normal arrow. However, it will lose it's modification and return to it's unmodified variant.

Updates[edit | edit source]

Patch 04
  • Fixed multiplayer clients not seeing Kelvin carried arrows properly
Patch 03
  • Kelvin can now pick up all types of arrows, visibly carry them, and drop the proper type of arrow
Patch 02
  • Added some additional mouseover and pickup audio events for arrows