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Puffcorp is the company that owns The Island and Holosprings where Sons of the Forest takes place. Puffcorp is owned by Edward Puffton

Puffcorp Logo with text

History[edit | edit source]

Puffcorp started from a $2000 Investment From Edward Puffton but grew into the world's leading mining and pharmaceutical conglomerate.

Eventually Puffcorp's CEO Edward Puffton Began Focusing on building Holosprings to research Solafite In parallel to the prospecting efforts for Solafite, Edward Puffton saw that a self-sufficient community be built on the Island destined to a privileged few to have first-hand access to the purported miraculous rejuvenating properties of the Solafite. At this point in time, it was believed that the Cube laying beneath the Island would activate in the near future and amplify the anti-aging powers of the solafite. This resort would take the rather unusual form of a network of underground bunkers scattered around the Island.

Although Holosprings was still yet to be completed, a "soft opening" was planned by the time of the first calculated activation of the Cube to inaugurate the resort. For the event, a select number of distinguished guests were allowed to move in early. The soft opening was to be celebrated with a banquet in the Food and Dining Bunker, gathering the whole of Holospring to assist to a once in a lifetime event. The celebration, however, would end in tragedy. The unforeseen effects of the Cube would cause everyone present in the banquet hall to turn into Mutants, unleashing chaos and devastation to the whole of Holosprings as the mutated guests massacred any survivor on the island.

By the time Jack Holt arrives on the Island, Holospring is now left completely abandoned and in disarray, with mutants roaming the once lavish halls of the bunkers amongst the decomposing bodies of the remaining guests and workers.

After the Holosprings Disaster was in limbo and temporary leadership was established this can be assumed to be Edwards brother William Puffton

After the ending it can be assumed Puffcorp was dissolved and a good amount of money was left to Virginia Puffton

Employees[edit | edit source]

Holosprings Map

Albert Pitch - Assistant Manager of Holoville Guest Services - Deceased, unknown fate

Bad Pivot - Band Hired by Puffton to play in the dining hall - Deceased most likely some of the mutants found around Holosprings

Barbra Puffton - Upper Management of Puffcorp - Deceased, mutated into a Boss Puffy

Carl Planter - Maintenance at Holosprings - Deceased, dead in bathtub most likely suicide

Edward Puffton - CEO - Deceased, mutated into a Boss Puffy

Fisheye - Hired gun - Deceased, died in Helicopter crash

Gordon Lankston - An employee of Red Lamp Storage Company at Holosprings, likely managed most of the work at Holosprings - Deceased, mutated into a Twins

Hank Keys - A contractor from Red Lamp Storage Company that likely oversaw work on the Island - Deceased, mutated into a Fingers

Jack Holt, Hired by Ed to uncover what happened on the island if a disaster would happen - Alive

Jackson Poulet - Part of the Cave Exploration Crew -Deceased, unknown fate

Jianyu Zhang (Former) - Lawyer frustrated at Ed Puffton turned Employee for Sahara to take revenge on Puffcorp - Deceased, mutated into the Final Boss

Kelvin - Hired gun - Alive

Miles Goldstein - Hired Celebrity to Promote Holosprings - Deceased, most likely one of the mutants in the dining hall

Rob Blue - In charge of the cave exploration and Solafite mining - deceased, most likely one of the mutants in the dining hall

Dr. Tetsu Masaki - A Scientist at Puffcorp - Alive

Virginia Puffton - College Student, would inherit Puffcorp when her Father would pass away - Alive

William Puffton - Most likely Temporary CEO at Puffcorp after the disaster at Holosprings - Alive